The Ultimate Peppermill


Newly Enlightened
Jan 19, 2003
Believe it or not....and I wouldn't lead you astray....there is only one pepper mill for your kitchen or dining room table.

It is the <font color="red"> Unicorn Magnum </font> or Unicorn Magnum Plus by Tom David, Inc.

Why does this choice matter? Because 99.999% of all the peppermills sold are pure, unadulterated junk. They almost always work poorly at best, they often break down, and are good for little more than use as paper weights.

The Unicorn Magnum is different. It has an oversized grinding mechanism, works like a champ, and is durable as all hell. Get one of these for your wife and family and they may just keep you around for a few more years.

I like the basic Unicorn Magnum (6" high) model.

Tom David, Inc.
Chef's Outlet

Don't look this gift horse in the mouth. Just buy the item and enjoy the finest in freshly ground pepper with your meals!

L3, why are you posting all this marketing hype here on CPF? First the Benchmade Axis lock and now this peppermill thing. Do you work for either of those manufacturers? Are you in the advertising biz? It's one thing to review or recommend an interesting product, but these threads look a little too much like sales pitches.
While I can't comment on the Tom David mills as I haven't personally used them (I've heard good things though), I do have personal experience with mills from William Bounds, who makes some very nice ones as well. I agree with you though, 99.999% of all the peppermills sold are pure, unadulterated junk!

Both of these companies' mills grind the pepper in the same fashion, but the WM Bounds ones use a ceramic worm instead of a steel one for better durability (so they claim). WM Bounds also has a huge variety of different mills, from steel to wood, art deco to ceramic bodies; lots of choices.

I've had my mill for nearly 8 years, and it sees daily use. Still works as well as the day I bought it.

Here's mine, the Rita Satin Chrome combo (has salt in the top too):

Fresh pepper is definitely the way to go!!!
(and yes, you can get info about just about anything here on the good 'ole CPF)
Here's L3's website:

It doesn't appear he's selling peppermills, but he does seem to sell BM stuff.

Not necessarily evil in and of itself though, you can certainly sell something and still have valid opinions and discussion.
My pepper mills work fine I got clear plastic ones, 1 online and 1 at Wally World (black and Red pepper) also have a salt mill I like to see when I am running out. I would think the Ultimate would be the Giant 5 foot tall one Emeril uses on the food network.
Topper /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I use a Zassenhaus peppermill I bought from Penzey's, which is where I also get my peppercorns and other spices. The Zassenhaus is also an excellent mill in my opinion, and they also make probably the best hand coffee mills money can buy.
I'm surprised no one mentioned Peugeot. They seem to be the #1 choice for upscale restaurants. Another cool one is the Zassenhaus (available at Penzey's). My favorite though for shear efficiency is the aforemnetioned Magnum. 2 twists and you got a ton of pepper, plus the big one holds enough for a century. I also like the W.M. Bounds. And let's not forget the pepper. has a wonderful selction and has encyclopedic info about all the different peppercorns.

jook, restaurant bean counter

I have my own style of posting information, and I am not here to sell anything! Whether or not you approve obviously means nothing!

You can read my stuff, enjoy it, and benefit from it. Or, you can change channels!

I have an electric, stainless steel, peppermill that uses 6 aaa batteries, has a sight-glass, AND has an LED light on the bottom which illuminates your food while "pepperizing" it...

It works awesome!!!

Plus, if the power goes out while eating dinner, you won't be left in the dark... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Mr. DUDLEY it says on the bottom.

plus it says carbon steel/patent pending.

I got it at "chefs" catalog years ago for $40.00

my favorite kitchen utensil...
Very happy with the used wooden peppermill that the previous owner of our condo (an old friend of ours) left behind. It has been grinding our peppercorns just fine for over five years now.

FWIW I find L3's posting style a bit grating, but that's just MHO.

L3 please reconsider your Ultimate style. I mean no harm and I as well as others are trying to converse on the topics you have placed. edit> If this post is not proper please remove it. I was trying to be nice but it is bed time for me > /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif
Topper /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I believe that remarks of the sort voiced by paulr are rude, inappropriate, and totally void of good taste. The fault lies not in my posting style. Nothing about my posts is a justifiable cause for anyone taking offense.

Tolerance, decency, and basic respect for others are traits missing from the character of a few inconsiderate individuals. I will not take the heat for their shortcomings.


I also find your 'Ultimate' posts to be grating and just this side of trolling. If your intent isn't to grate and to start arguments, then you really may want to reconsider your posting style.

When enough people begin to suggest the same thing, it is time to consider the fact that they may have a point.

Please consider your own words and how they may apply to your own posts, "Tolerance, decency, and basic respect for others are traits missing from the character of a few inconsiderate individuals."

Oh geeze. Just because the guy feels strongly about an item and posts to inform others about it, doesn't mean he needs to be attacked. Isn't what this forum is about? The spread of information? If he thinks his gadget is the best in the world, so what? Its only 'grating' when you disagree with his opinion and apparently think YOUR opinion is superior. If you want to be constructive, post other products of a similar nature that you have found to be worthwhile.

To keep on topic, why do I need a peppermill and why is it better than a 1 dollar pepper shaker? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
