The Versatile F04 Diffuser: what lights will it fit?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 25, 2008
Many of you probably already know this, but I think it warrants mention, particularly for the newbies, that the SureFire F04 BeamShaper, a diffuser that fits over the bezels of SureFire 1" bezel diameter lights, will convert your throwy, tight-hotspotted E1E, E2E E1L, E2L, or E1B to a very useful short to midrange flood light, with little apparent loss of output (based on my informal ceiling bounce tests).

Having recently used one on my E1L, I've been thinking that it might make the E1B one of the best EDC's around. I think the E1L with it's longer runtime and adequate high still makes a better camping/hiking light.

Old hat to most of you.

What I found even more interesting, though, is that the F04 is a perfect fit on two of my other lights which have throw beams with tight hotspots: The Olight T20 (regular, M & T models) and the JETBeam Jet 1 Pro v3.

On the Olight, the F04 makes the "high" setting look like a mini-Malkoff M60LF. And you have the option of several lower output levels. A good light is now even better, and more useful. I don't know about other T20 users, but while I really like that tight hotspt at distance, up close (under 15' or so) it is actually too bright and annoying. Now, problem solved!

My Jet 1 Pro has a neutral Q3, and with the F04, I have three program-mable light levels, AND the option of throw or flood for each. Once I get a couple of 14500s, I'll have the option of an even brigther high. I think I just may have found the best 1 x AA outdoorsman's light. (We'll see how the JET holds up to a year of camping, hiking and hunting. I'm not real rough on my gear, but I'm a klutz - except when it comes to guns, when I turn into a Safety Nazi - so if anyone is just going to accidently bust something, it would be me.)

I know there are other lights out there the F04 will fit, the NovaTacs for example, but their SSC beams are so nice and smooth and semi-floody anyway, the F04 doesn't make that dramatic of a change.

What I'd like is for other members to post a list of lights with more throwy beams that will fit the F04 diffuser. For the price, it really is a worthwhile accessory to a light with a throwy beam, or even just a well defined hotspot.
I think that diffuser fits on the Ra lights too. I'll have to check the clicky thread but IIRC, DM51 had one on his. Also an anti-roll device! Here's a thread on that topic.
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What Bullzeyebill said. The E-series is a 1" diameter bezel and so the F04 will fit any 1" light, including but not limited to Novatac, old HDS, some (most?) McGizmo. I don't recall what the dimensions of the Ra is offhand but I wouldn't be surprised if it was also a 1" diameter light.
Does anybody have some beam pictures? Does it turn the beam into a full flood (like the Fenix flick-cap one), or into more like a lens-focused flood (like Zebralight or Ledlenser)
I know there are other lights out there the F04 will fit, the NovaTacs for example, but their SSC beams are so nice and smooth and semi-floody anyway, the F04 doesn't make that dramatic of a change.

I use an F04 on a Novatac 120P as my nightstand/trip-to-the-bathroom light. The F04 does make a useful difference at very low levels because without it the spill disappears leaving only the spot. I much prefer the spot blended out/widened for such low level use. With fully dark adapted eyes it does make the beam more useable.

The F04 can be made to fit on a Jetbeam Pro ST-III with two turns of gaffer tape around the head to bulk it up. I used it like this for over a year and it added a new dimension of value to that light.

Even if you only have a couple of lights the F04 will fit, I still think it's a very worthwhile investment. Without doubt my most used Surefire accessory. :thumbsup:
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It fits on a Jetbeam RRT-0, EagleTac P10A2, and Inova T1.
I only have one F04 and that one is on the EagleTac.
I'm always keeping an eye out on the MarketPlace for another one.
Good thread - the F04 is IMO the best-value accessory you can get if you have a light with a 1-inch dia. bezel.

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