Thinking of adding a new light

The brass Peaks are sweet. I have a couple AAA models. But, they never got much carry time primarily because brass is heavy. Sure you want that?

The brass Peaks are sweet. I have a couple AAA models. But, they never got much carry time primarily because brass is heavy. Sure you want that?

I think so. I understand that brass is heavy, but it just seems classy. I don't envision myself carrying it as an EDC very often, but I can see myself putting it in a jacket pocket for a night out. I can also see myself polishing it and admiring it in a way that I don't with my other "tool" flashlights. Wow, that sounds kind've weird. I've had too much flashohol this morning. :drunk:
No such thing as too much flashohol... it's not even a crime to serve it to minors. lovecpf

I wouldn't be overly concerned about the weight - the Brass Logan isn't an anvil. It won't be on a keychain banging a dashboard; since you'll know it's in your pocket, you're less likely to mistakenly leave it somewhere; and at the risk of sounding like I'm from Hollywood, it feels better to the touch than anything else you can put in your pocket.

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