"Third Party" Animal?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 4, 2003
Two Rivers, Wisconsin
I'm thinking the horse might nicely represent the generic group of 3P's. It's faster and better looking (very important to Americans) than the donkey and elephant of the other two political parties.

Send a strong message if you're not content with the status quo. Consider 3P's next time around. Even if your candidate doesn't get elected, your vote will have an influence.

and the thread locks in 3, 2, ...

on topic, in a time of great confusion and distain with a status quo a 3rd party sounds to have many promising possibilities. but one only needs to look at woods with multi-parties, where parties form coalition/blocks and the same o' partisan politics resume as if nothing happened.

food for thought.
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It works in other countries. The coalitions that form provide opportunities for more compromise and co-operation and are more fluid than only two players.

Our government continues to be less responsive on all levels. Wisconsin's state budget was almost three months past due - a record. All because of extreme positions taken by both sides. Another party or three may force more co-operation.

How could inviting another player to the table hurt us? Maybe just the threat of a 3P showing would make the other two change for the better. A 3P wouldn't even have to win to effect political improvement.

No reason to chant the locked thread theme if we don't let it; it's not left vs. right. This is an important issue that won't be seen in the Underground. I'm only seeking to stimulate discussion of Third Parties. It's OK if you don't think they will work or are a good idea.

I say the time is right for letting the horses out of the starting gate.
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an example of multi-party Democracy can be seen in India. Last I checked the multitude of parties makes elections, um, disorienting to say the least, and the switch of loyalty makes the politics just as dirty as anywhere else, if not more.
LEDs were never imagined for use in flashlights. This is not India. Things change. There is a middle ground; we already have a few 3Ps, but an insufficient number of voters are taking the chance. I'm not suggesting the many parties of India and Italy, for example.

Why the loyalty to what's been proven not to work?

In so many other areas America produces, good, critical, thinkers and leads the world in numerous ways. Loosing our blind, political, loyalty would advance the security of our nation, economically and otherwise.