Flashlight Enthusiast
this is the curcuit
and this is the chip type it uses.
so suppose somebody wanted to use these for a SINGLE li-ion (as indicated), after all they wont work with 2x li-ion with max voltage at 6v.
my entire post is based on and intended for SINGLE li-ion , with 4.2-3.0V capability
Please speak in english , so i can understand, and correct any of my mis-conceptions, or help me to understand this stuff.
they are JUST Current control items right? and it would REQUIRE the VF of the input battery to be higher than the Vf of the led , cause it aint a boost right?
they get to 1400ma by parelleling a bunch of them together , even though each chip is only capable of about 350ma, wouldnt there be harmonic current distortions from parelelling multiple items like this, that could cause wide changing fluxuations in total output current. (note graphs seem to display this possibility, scope would be needed to see it occuring) A graph for a similar item is here
the diode is going to drop a lot of voltage, but there are 2 diodes, so will the diodes drop even more in the configuration used here, or is it one diode drop total, not 2 total in series in the curcuit? THIS WAS WRONG, diode does not effect
so this puppy is going to be dropping into direct drive as soon as the Input voltage drops below the led voltage for the drive current being applied?
if you want to push some 1.4A through a Cree Q5 you gonna need some 3.9V about , so your in direct drive WITH the additional curcuit losses some 15 minutes into the run when the voltage drops.
removed wrong part
so potentially all this thing is going to accomplish is knocking down the high end of the li-ion voltage for a few minutes, IF that, while the rest of the time it wastes power for no usefull reason?
ok so they put the INput voltage at 2.7v in the specs. well so what, without a very low LED voltage, it was in direct drive long ago, mabey usefull for li-ion and a red led?
Because it doesnt Boost, reguardless of the fact that the chip will operate at 2.7v there aint gonna be 3.9v going to the led anyways right , unless the battery voltage is higher. the input voltage of 2.7v does not magically make it function as a boost item, its just the range of possible input voltages right?
so this type of curcuit is usefull for about ONLY some 6V worth of declining battery, chip away some voltage for the curcuit losses, and slam the led with 1.4 amps pushing up the Vf of the led?
BUT they say , hey this will work with a li-ion, BECAUSE the chip still operates at 2.7v, well so what , the led isnt going to be running at the 1.4a long before that time, and the extra diode should have your average white led not even triggering, before the curcuit ceases to function.
so it might "work" with a Single Li-ion, but it will be as regulated as the battery itself, but wasting power in some chip thingee?.
is my assessment of this accurate? me dont see no caps, or inductors, or switching curcuits, just mabey some current limiter, with the Usual Very short range of voltage possibilites.
begin Rant: ------------------------------------------------
i am getting aufully tired of seeing little out there that does what it says it does, jumping back to providing excelent graph of the battery discharging,and people calling that regulation.
Today i have observed in THIS FORUM more than 8 flashlight graphs that show that the lower voltage curcuits went into Direct drive with a fully charged Li-ion, the worst Possible time to be in DD, and the only major need to have current regulation. Lights that are sold as claiming to be good for li-ion bateries
There are graphs that show the higher voltage curcuits (opposite) , fell out of regulation the opposite direction and went into direct drive as soon as the voltage dropped a bit to around 3.6-3.8v. leaving the battery to do the regulation, just like a Resistered drive would have.
YET, i still have to hear people IN CPF, telling me that this wonderfull flashlight was Regulated
oh it was WHEN ? Well it was regulated when it LEAST needed to be regulated. it was not regulated when the voltage was too high, went into direct drive at the worst possible moment. (then reverse that) The high voltage regulation falls out of regulation, when its MOST needed, to keep the voltage up across the led and maintain the current.
What kind of garbage are they selling us into, when the electronics geniouses dont call them on this flim flam sham of regulation, that does nothing more than waste power, and have a cute curcuit in there
. this is a great wonderfull curcuit, WHEN used with a very specific voltage of battery, and li-ion is not it?
single li-ion current controlled curcuits, are a difficult voltage area for silicoln gates, but why dont they admit, that, quit BS ing us, and quit wasting power and chips for little to no reason? there ARE curcuits out there that are fully regulated at each point of the li-ion voltage capability, but it seems to take more than your average boost or buck curcuit to do so, some sort of high lossy DC-DC device instead.
how am i supposed to find a efficient current control for a single li-ion, when the specs are all Muddled about, incorrect, or factually wrong statements are made about the capacity of the curcuits to do the job. and i aint just talking about cheap ones. sombody is just trying to fool us electronic ignorants.
the graphs on flashlights and curcuits are showing whats going on, but does anybody say "ummm err hey, that is out of regulation"
this is the curcuit
and this is the chip type it uses.
so suppose somebody wanted to use these for a SINGLE li-ion (as indicated), after all they wont work with 2x li-ion with max voltage at 6v.
my entire post is based on and intended for SINGLE li-ion , with 4.2-3.0V capability
Please speak in english , so i can understand, and correct any of my mis-conceptions, or help me to understand this stuff.
they are JUST Current control items right? and it would REQUIRE the VF of the input battery to be higher than the Vf of the led , cause it aint a boost right?
they get to 1400ma by parelleling a bunch of them together , even though each chip is only capable of about 350ma, wouldnt there be harmonic current distortions from parelelling multiple items like this, that could cause wide changing fluxuations in total output current. (note graphs seem to display this possibility, scope would be needed to see it occuring) A graph for a similar item is here
the diode is going to drop a lot of voltage, but there are 2 diodes, so will the diodes drop even more in the configuration used here, or is it one diode drop total, not 2 total in series in the curcuit? THIS WAS WRONG, diode does not effect
so this puppy is going to be dropping into direct drive as soon as the Input voltage drops below the led voltage for the drive current being applied?
if you want to push some 1.4A through a Cree Q5 you gonna need some 3.9V about , so your in direct drive WITH the additional curcuit losses some 15 minutes into the run when the voltage drops.
removed wrong part
so potentially all this thing is going to accomplish is knocking down the high end of the li-ion voltage for a few minutes, IF that, while the rest of the time it wastes power for no usefull reason?
ok so they put the INput voltage at 2.7v in the specs. well so what, without a very low LED voltage, it was in direct drive long ago, mabey usefull for li-ion and a red led?
Because it doesnt Boost, reguardless of the fact that the chip will operate at 2.7v there aint gonna be 3.9v going to the led anyways right , unless the battery voltage is higher. the input voltage of 2.7v does not magically make it function as a boost item, its just the range of possible input voltages right?
so this type of curcuit is usefull for about ONLY some 6V worth of declining battery, chip away some voltage for the curcuit losses, and slam the led with 1.4 amps pushing up the Vf of the led?
BUT they say , hey this will work with a li-ion, BECAUSE the chip still operates at 2.7v, well so what , the led isnt going to be running at the 1.4a long before that time, and the extra diode should have your average white led not even triggering, before the curcuit ceases to function.
so it might "work" with a Single Li-ion, but it will be as regulated as the battery itself, but wasting power in some chip thingee?.
is my assessment of this accurate? me dont see no caps, or inductors, or switching curcuits, just mabey some current limiter, with the Usual Very short range of voltage possibilites.
begin Rant: ------------------------------------------------
i am getting aufully tired of seeing little out there that does what it says it does, jumping back to providing excelent graph of the battery discharging,and people calling that regulation.
Today i have observed in THIS FORUM more than 8 flashlight graphs that show that the lower voltage curcuits went into Direct drive with a fully charged Li-ion, the worst Possible time to be in DD, and the only major need to have current regulation. Lights that are sold as claiming to be good for li-ion bateries
There are graphs that show the higher voltage curcuits (opposite) , fell out of regulation the opposite direction and went into direct drive as soon as the voltage dropped a bit to around 3.6-3.8v. leaving the battery to do the regulation, just like a Resistered drive would have.
YET, i still have to hear people IN CPF, telling me that this wonderfull flashlight was Regulated
What kind of garbage are they selling us into, when the electronics geniouses dont call them on this flim flam sham of regulation, that does nothing more than waste power, and have a cute curcuit in there
single li-ion current controlled curcuits, are a difficult voltage area for silicoln gates, but why dont they admit, that, quit BS ing us, and quit wasting power and chips for little to no reason? there ARE curcuits out there that are fully regulated at each point of the li-ion voltage capability, but it seems to take more than your average boost or buck curcuit to do so, some sort of high lossy DC-DC device instead.
how am i supposed to find a efficient current control for a single li-ion, when the specs are all Muddled about, incorrect, or factually wrong statements are made about the capacity of the curcuits to do the job. and i aint just talking about cheap ones. sombody is just trying to fool us electronic ignorants.
the graphs on flashlights and curcuits are showing whats going on, but does anybody say "ummm err hey, that is out of regulation"
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