Thoroughly Confused...

Mr. Mister

Newly Enlightened
Nov 28, 2008
Hey Guys,

Noob here... I tried so hard not to do the "noob" thing here but the more I read the more confuse I become. I have gone through days of reading and searching and I am still scratching my head. I even read the CPFWiki (twice) to tried to understand but to no avail. I have looked at graphs, charts and schematics and they mean nothing to me. I want to understand and I probably will over time. But right now I just want to modify something. I've caught the bug... I want to do something. Come on guys... help me out. I have a MagLite 3D cell and a Denali 2D cell flashlight just begging for me to break them.

I was thinking about doing a ROP on the Mag (it seemed to require the least skill) but was unsure if I can do it on a 3D cell. All the threads I have seen about this mod is about 2D and 2C cells only. And the Denali... well I was about to throw it away until I came across this forum a couple of weeks ago. I have not seen any threads about Denali flashlights and was wondering if there are any mods available for them.

Come guys, help me break them...

Thanks in advance,
Hey Guys,

Noob here... I tried so hard not to do the "noob" thing here but the more I read the more confuse I become. I have gone through days of reading and searching and I am still scratching my head. I even read the CPFWiki (twice) to tried to understand but to no avail. I have looked at graphs, charts and schematics and they mean nothing to me. I want to understand and I probably will over time. But right now I just want to modify something. I've caught the bug... I want to do something. Come on guys... help me out. I have a MagLite 3D cell and a Denali 2D cell flashlight just begging for me to break them.

I was thinking about doing a ROP on the Mag (it seemed to require the least skill) but was unsure if I can do it on a 3D cell. All the threads I have seen about this mod is about 2D and 2C cells only. And the Denali... well I was about to throw it away until I came across this forum a couple of weeks ago. I have not seen any threads about Denali flashlights and was wondering if there are any mods available for them.

Come guys, help me break them...

Thanks in advance,
You can mod the 3D into a ROP. Drop in the bulb and change the reflector to a metal reflector available from KD, Litho123, or Fivemega. One with a little light orange peal will give you a nice beam.
Also a high temperature window, some call it a lens. You can get those from, KD and DX and from Mag parts dealers by using the mag charger lenses which are the cheapest and sometimes you can get those from you local police supply store or other mag lite dealers.
You need 7.2 volts. Two lithium D protected cells should do it but we have had problems with the protection circuits not running correctly.
I would use two AW C cells, a piece of PVC pipe for a sleave and a spacer.
Very simple but a good mod for a bright beam with out getting into drivers.

The 5761 also runs on 7.2 volts but then you need a pr to bi pin socket, reflector and usually need to open the reflector to 10 mm, and the AW cells will not start on the 5761 without a soft start. So then the AW drivers are ideal but that is another about $75 or other methods. Two A123 batteries will power the 5761 without a driver very well. But you will need a special charger and a sleave and spacer.
Stay with the ROP, I could drone on about getting more complicated. I think most of us started with ROP mods.

for batteries you could also use 6 half Ds in NiCad, those are available from various battery dealers like batterystation and batteryjunction, maybe too. Check it out.
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You can check this thread for Maglite mods and drop-ins. I'd suggest starting with a drop-in since they are usually the simplest.

I have never heard of Denali lights, do you have a picture?

Thanks guys for all the info. One last question though, what is the runtime on this mod? High and low bulbs?

And I will get pics of the Denali up tomorrow... it is basically a MagLite knock-off. I was taking a closer look at it and it doesn't look like I can mod it without some major issues. One being that the plastic lens is glued on, from the outside. I could literally "pop" it off I used little force.

