Thought the Blue Bulb Fad was Over?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 28, 2008
Not in Japan. Honda is now selling blue bulbs direct to the consumer as a vehicle accessory:

They are a bargain as well, coming in at $78 before tax.

Blue bulbs are alive and well in my area :shakehead
I live in the 13th largest market in the nation and can say that I don't see as many blue bulbs as I used to...about two years ago they where everywhere, not so much now. (I try to enlighten as many of these thug wannabees that they are wasting there money...some listen, most laugh...oh well, it's their money they're giving away to Sylvania, PIAA or some no name ricer bulb made in China that you can't see 2' in front of their car with...idiots.)
I don't see how you can see anything with purple HIDs.

The green ones I have seen once and they actually seemed to light up the road quite well.

You can't see anything...purple light is worthless...except for party lights.:D

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