TK11 R2's being discontinued ?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 15, 2008
4 sevens states on their website that they only have a few left for preorder and after they are gone there will be no more TK11's.

Why is this light being discontinued. I plan on purchaseing one in a few weeks and will probably have to look elsewhere for it. Were there problems with this light or was it not very popular.

This is the first I've heard of an discontinuation of the TK11. Seeing as they still produce the TK10, it would seem very strange...

As far as the quality of the TK11, it is probably my favorite light I've ever owned. It was my first good LED light. I loved the selector bezel and it felt great in my hand! The only reason I traded mine was because I've gotten used to 5A tint and I couldn't handle the cool white emitter any more...
Don't worry, the chances they discontinue it is very low. When the P3D Q5 edition was released, it was limited time premium version. This light is still available after a year... Why would they discontinue the R2 version, if it has excellent reviews?

You can still order from or preorder in 4seven.
Pre-Order, 03/31* Fenix TK11 Black, R2 Edition [TK11B-R2] $85.00

This product is currently on pre-order status. The next batch will have a limited quantity available, enough to fill current back-orders and a few more pre-orders. Once this item shows "out of stock," then no more TK11-R2s will be available. This product is discontinued after the last one sells!
Pre-Order, 03/31* Fenix TK11 Black, R2 Edition [TK11B-R2] $85.00

This product is currently on pre-order status. The next batch will have a limited quantity available, enough to fill current back-orders and a few more pre-orders. Once this item shows "out of stock," then no more TK11-R2s will be available. This product is discontinued after the last one sells!

i'm thinking you need to stock up on a couple.
Of course there being Discontinued better hurry up and buy 1 or 2 or 3. Ever heard of Marketing Strategylovecpf
You could always send 4-sevens an email. I find it very strange that they would discontinue the light, since it is one of the few lights that has good regulation with both cr123's and 18650's. On top of that, it has a good UI, is built well, and is bright.
Naw! 4Sevens. Cmon they would never stoop that low. Would they?

Two possible options:

1) R2's are still too rare for such a high volume light, so they will continue to only carry the Q5 edition

2) Since the TK10 body style is favored over the TK11, they are discontinuing the TK11 and may bring out a TK10 v2.0 which is 18650 capable.

Just an idea...
Two possible options:

1) R2's are still too rare for such a high volume light, so they will continue to only carry the Q5 edition

2) Since the TK10 body style is favored over the TK11, they are discontinuing the TK11 and may bring out a TK10 v2.0 which is 18650 capable.

Just an idea...
That's why I have 2X TK10s & 0X TK11s.

If Fenix did bring out the TK10 with the 11's attributes, I would easily be buying number three.
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What are the differences between the TK10 and TK11 body styles? I don't have either light, but from looking at the pictures it seems like the main difference are the flat faces at the bottom of the TK10 head that are not on the TK11 head. Is this the only difference (besides the different reflectors)?
What are the differences between the TK10 and TK11 body styles? I don't have either light, but from looking at the pictures it seems like the main difference are the flat faces at the bottom of the TK10 head that are not on the TK11 head. Is this the only difference (besides the different reflectors)?

And the TK10 has a removable clip, and included the ring spacer.
Nope, it is an R2 supply issue. Check out the front page of

For those waiting on the TK11-R2s, we are currently working out a solution with Fenix. We are expecting another batch soon that should fulfill all orders up through March 12th. Orders placed after March 12th probably won't ship until the end of April. This is due to the shortage of R2 emitters available, and it is unfortunately beyond our control. But we are working to source more R2s to provide to Fenix and others for use in our lights. Thank you all for staying so patient, and we'll keep you updated!
To be more specific, LED manufacturers have not perfected the process of producing LEDs. The manufacturing equipment is not exact enough to produce emitters with specific efficiency. If they could, all cool white emitters would be R2 bin (or better).

In reality, they just try to make them as best they can, but the efficiency of individual emitters are distributed normally. In other words, they follow a normal model, AKA a Bell curve. It's like the distribution of people's heights. If we just consider females, let's say the average (mean) height is about 5' 3". That doesn't mean that all females are 5' 3". We expect some to be a bit taller or a bit shorter. A few will be really tall or really short. The R2 emitters are like the WNBA players and models of the emitter world. For every really efficient emitter (or tall woman), there are plenty of average and below average emitters (or average and short women).

So no matter what, there are always going to only be a few of the highest bin emitters available. Currently this is R2. They can't all be the best.

Hope everyone appreciates my brief midnight stats lesson... I miss being a teacher sometimes (but not often!)

The TK11 is not being discontinued. The problem is availability in China of R2 emitters. The TK11 will still be offered as a Q5 and as an R2 version when R2's are available.
Whew, glad I jumped on mine when I had the chance! I'd been wanting a TK11 for a while since it first came out, but was waiting to see if the price would come down a bit.

But when the R2 edition came out I had to go for it. No regrets!!
I had order two TK11 R2 from Fenixgear in the past. I don't understand what the concern is, they told me they always had R2 in stock.