TLE-1F & SMJLED Beamshot Comparison


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
Greetings all!

Here is a beamshot comparison of the SMJLED gen2 (from Sandwich Shoppe) and TLE-1F replacement bulbs

Close shots were taken at 5 feet, and an ISO setting of 800, f/2.6, 1/4sec exposure, and a Daylight WB.
Flashlights used were the Fulton Anglehead and a Philips branded one that is made of rubber.

The pics have their own titles ready, so here we go:





Now Shots taken at 20 feet;;;;



My main observations are:

- I thought the Anglehead was a thrower, but the Philips flashlight beat it to it.
- TLE-1F's beam is ringier and a bit more pronounce to the eye than the photography
- Did you notice the yellow TLE-1F ring at the Philips beamshot? it is not that visible with the Anglehead.
- The TLE-1F has more of a throw this is not apparent in this pics bit it did make it on a building across the street, where SMJLED was poor.
- BUT…I can not envisage any situation where you will be picking the TLE for a throw flashlight, so I will go for the SMJLED's smoother wider beam.

So hope this of help in all the feature buyers. Enjoy…Kostas
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Good beamshots.

This thread plus John1995's all LED PR flange drop-in bulbs might make people realize there are alternatives to the Hong Kong/Chinese/eBay retaillers for economical illumination especially if long runtimes are needed. This is especially true if the host uses D cells or a 6V lantern battery.

Was the SMJLED bulb that you used in this test from Lambda, LightHound or Sandwich Shoppe?