Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
Yesterday I recieved my TLR-2 in the mail! I am extremely impressed with the light output, tint, laser, and build quality! It looks as though this will be about the easiest light to upgrade with a seoul. I am going to leave it the way it is for a few weeks and see if I still want to swap LED's. For a claimed 80 lumens its very bright and the hotspot from the smooth reflector is nice with decent spill. I love the throw on this light....Super Impressive! I mounts very easily and fast to the rail on my Springfield XD45 and the switch ergonomics are perfect. I also like that you can choose between settings.....Laser Only/ Light Only/ well as momentary ON and Constant ON. It does get warm running it continuously for anything more that 5 minutes.
Does anyone know where to get the optional tailcaps for this light? I have seen a few different kinds with remote pressure switches. Whos got em a good prices?
I was looking at the Surefire X200A, but after reading some reviews and the fact you get a laser on the TLR-2 for a couple bucks more.....I couldn't pass it up.

All in all, I really like this new light and have no complaints so far.....

How do you like your TLR-2/ TLR-1?
The TLR1/2 are a tremendous value over the Surefires X200. The build quality is comparable which surprised me at first. The only benefit of the Surefire over the TLR-1 is that it is slightly more streamlined, but whether it is worth the $100 premium over the TLR is up to the user. Mine is mounted on an AR15 so I'll take the savings and put it into more ammo :D

As far as swapping the LED, I've seen really bright TLR-1/2 and some dimmer ones. Trust me, even the ones with the brightest LED would greatly benefit a Seoul upgrade. The worst improvement I have seen is an 85% increase, the best was 125%.
Same here, I own a pair of TLR-1's and couldn't be happier with them. As light weight as they are I find using them as a backup/auxillary to a larger primary incandescent works very well for me.

As far as swapping the LED, I've seen really bright TLR-1/2 and some dimmer ones. Trust me, even the ones with the brightest LED would greatly benefit a Seoul upgrade. The worst improvement I have seen is an 85% increase, the best was 125%.

Damn!!!....Now maybe I'll just have to mod this thing if it's really that much of a difference!

I can't stop playing with it!....the size and weight are perfect.

Now I gotta order more emitters!
Some pictures to compare

Exposure time 0.3 S
Iso 100
+- 8 meter to the wall.

Test picture :

TLR2 with luxeon III

TLR2 With SSCp4

Exactly the same beam, but more powerfull......
With luxeon3 i can see the target correctly but that's all. With the SSCp4, i can see all the room so i can engage targets very quickly (sorry again for my poor english)

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Yep I love my TLR-2!

i just picked up a TLR1 for my USP Expert. the TLR2 is nice, but an added 150 just for a laser? no thanks!

i gotta say i am in love with these lights. infact i'd really like to pick up an EDC light with relatively the same output/spillbeam as the TLR1

do any of you guys have problems with the switch going off from recoil? (particularly 40S&W) i haven't even taken mine out yet, but i was wondering about that.


you can get the switch/door from this site. it is highly reputable and has good shipping times for west coast
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I have a Gladius and the TLR-1.

I really want to upgrade both to the Cree. Is there anyone in the US who can do it ?



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