Today, I bought my very first pack of CR123A's. $$ !


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 28, 2001
London, UK (Parallel Universe)
Today, I bought my very first pack of CR123A\'s. $$ !

Today, I bought my very first pack of CR123A's.

I've also looked at the runtimes for my favourite torch / bulb combinations.
So you can understand my urgent need to learn more about batteries, and how to get them *cost-effectively*. ( Also looking at Tim Flanagan's topic on Lithium AA's here )

These may be silly questions, but …
- are AA Lithiums 3v or 1.5v.
- What are they best used in, what are they no advantage in.
- and how do they affect runtimes, as opposed to other formulations.

I mean is there a ratio that you can apply, like Alkaline is ##%, Nimh is ##%, Nicad is ##%, and so on. So that we ( well, I ) can work out a cost / benefit curve.

Didn't someone say that Lithium's are too much for some bulbs ? ( I'm specifically thinking of their use in AA and 3D / 6D Maglites )

What are the best rechargeable batteries so far, those available to replace conventional battery sizes, AA, D and CR123a, etc.
And if there isn't a size for size match for primary lithium, when will we get something re-chargeable like that, how fast is the technology improving ?

? £ $ ? $ £

Re: Today, I bought my very first pack of CR123A\'s. $$ !

From my limited knowledge,

The Li AA L91 is 1.5V (but unlike Alkalines which are nominally about ~1.4-1.6V, the Lithium AAs are often more like ~1.6-1.8V which for peak output is too high for some applications)

The Lithium AAs have the advantage of being even better than DL123As at maintaining a high level current output for most of the battery life before dropping very quickly.

I assume Lithium AAs would be great for anything requiring lots of bursts of high current throughout the life of the battery.

I've not tested the runtime of LiAA compared to Ultras in my StealthLites, but I'd like to think the runtime was longer for LiAA (maybe 25% - 33% longer)

I don't use AAs that much as most of my flashlights use DL123As and other things like remotes use AAAs.


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