U2-style flashlight output ring


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 11, 2005
Trieste, Italy
I got this light a while ago.
The page warns about a defect in some of their lights resulting in a yellow ring in the output, but also says the new models don't have it.
Mine is a new model, as it didn't have the problem. Then yesterday I unscrewed the head retaining thingie, and out of curiosity slid the reflector out. I ran it without the reflector for a minute or so, then put it back in, and now a yellow ring has appeared in the output.
How can this happen, and how do I restore the output to the nice un-ringed white it was before? Thanks
A ring around the hotspot is in general a problem of focus. There have been threads here covering this subject for Fenix lights. Take for instance this one:


What you have probably done without realizing it is to slightly change the longitudinal position of the reflector in respect of the LED. You could have moved one or the other. My suggestion is that you try again to disassemble and reassemble the head and check well the relative positioning. After that it is just a matter of trial and error, i.e. move things around a bit until you are satisfied.

Buona fortuna! :cool:
Grazie :p but I did not move the LED, of this I'm sure. It's screwed to its metal heatsink on the bottom of the head, and I never went there. All I did was to remove and replace the reflector. There were no spacers, when I replaced it it went back just as it was before, but obviously something's changed.

I've tried twiddling with it, removing it and replacing it again, rotating it, but the damn yellow ring won't go away. :(
In principle you must have screwed in the head further than the original position. Based on what I learned about Fenix CE lights I understand that in order to eliminate dark rings you have to move the LED out of the back of the reflector. In other words the head must be slightly loose.
Try to provisionally fix the reflector to its bezel/head/lens with some tape and then check the focus while you screw in the assembly. If originally the flashlight showed no rings it means there is a position of the reflector in respect of the LED where the rings disappear. Of course this position can't be beyond the end of the threads.
There's no magic involved, just plain physics.

Prova ancora! (=Try again!) ;)
In other words the head must be slightly loose.
Try to provisionally fix the reflector to its bezel/head/lens with some tape and then check the focus while you screw in the assembly. If originally the flashlight showed no rings it means there is a position of the reflector in respect of the LED where the rings disappear. Of course this position can't be beyond the end of the threads.
That makes sense. I will try, thank you.

Prova ancora! (=Try again!)
Non c'è bisogno della traduzione, sono italiano anche io :p