Using a charger with a magnet spacer !

Jay R

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 10, 2006
Bracknell, England.
Just thought it would be a good idea to point out that it is better to stick the magnet to the negative end of the cell. If you stick it to the positive end it will 'magnetise' that bit of metal slightly. This could well attract little bits of metal that could then enter through the safety vents and perhaps stop the venting 'valves' from working properly. It's not likely but.....

The negative end of the cell doesn't have any holes in it.

i dont really get it , i am using small magnets in my battery pack for my mod in the maglite ...

works great, but if short-circuit again, excess heat is the main concern...

as for the positive side, the vents are actually too small to invite any alien metals, well i do keep a clean workplace , U ?

if that happens, Short circuit is more likely to occur than otherwise ....

else u might jus want to charge yr batteries in a sealed battery tray instead?

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