Using Magnets with Li Rechargables ?


Jan 13, 2010
Today I received my order of AW IMR 18650 cells. Each cell is about 1/8" shorter than my other AW Li rechargable cells. Using 3 of there IMR cells gives me almost 3/8" too short total to make proper contact in my Leef 3 cell body? I am leary of using magnets for fear of them sliding around and making contact with the flashlight body. It looks to me that using a magnet on the bottom of cell 1 & 2 would do the job. Using them on the top of cell 1 or the bottom of cell 3 might cause them to move around as the head or tailcap springs were tightened against them. For those who need to use magnets is my thinking correct on this? Is it safe to use them in the manner that I described? I guess that it would cause the cells to stick together as they slide out for a battery change?
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Re: Using Batterys with Li Rechargables ?

In mytitle I meant Using Magnets with Li Rechatgables
Re: Using Batterys with Li Rechargables ?

Bob, I don't know if this will work for you or not, but if you can cut to size and roll up a piece of printer paper, or a thin sheet of plastic (eg. notebook folders) to slide in your battery tube, this will insulate the magnets from the tube. I still would avoid using magnets on the top and bottom of the "stack", but it'd be OK between cell 1&2, and cell 2&3. Also, make sure the negative cell casings aren't exposed in any way at the positive end of the cells (around the Pos contact).

You might have too tight a battery tube for this. I just thought I'd suggest it anyway. 🙂

Re: Using Batterys with Li Rechargables ?

I was looking at IMRs also and noticed right off in a thread with them pictured with other LiIon Protected batts that the IMRs were siginificantly shorter. Hopefully others will see this thread and pipe in if they are having this type of problem also? These batts are touted as good in mulitcell applications but if they are so short you cant get contact what good are they? I am not using magnets and worrying about that stuff. The whole reason I would get these is for safety and reliability.

So, anyone having this problem in multicell lites?