In the throw tests I have done, the SunForce 25MCP beats the Vector. However, the Vector is smaller in size which can make it more convenient for storage in a vehicle or other small area. They are equally bright in terms of overall output. I think it is subjective which light is better as they both have their good points. I am just recommending the SunForce since the Vector is so hard to find.
Another alternative would be the Stanley HID3000 $70 from Walmart. It throws almost as well as the Vector, and is just as bright.
Here is how I would explain the differences between these three lights, all of which I own:
SunForce 25MCP - Narrowest and most concentrated beam. Has a runtime of a little over 40 minutes.
Vector Power On Board - Still a very tight beam with amazing throw, and a much wider corona than the SunForce which can be extremely useful. Has a runtime of a little over 60 minutes.
Stanley HID - Broadest beam of all with a large floody corona and the widest and brightest spill. It still has great throw, even if it doesn't throw as well as the other two. Runtime is around 30 minutes.
In terms of practical use, the throw differences won't really matter. The wide beam of the Stanley HID might actually make it the most useful.
If you are able to get ahold of a Vector HID, it would certainly be a great choice and an amazing light. I am just trying to present you with some other options that might be helpful in case you are not able to get one.