Were do you buy RAYOVAC HYBRIDS?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 18, 2007
This is nuts. Stopped by Kmart yesterday and they did not carry any hybrids. Stopped by Walmart today NO Hybrids. Where do peple buy them? Are these that hard to find? Any mail order place honor newspaper copouns?
Walmart generally has them right near the camera section.

Target also stocks them, although Target seems to thoroughly favor energizer in their displays.

With gas prices, it might be a good policy to call other Wally's and Targets in your area and have someone pull some aside for you.
My local walmart had them last week. The combo pack with 2 AA, 2 AAA and the charger for ~ $20. IIRC they also had a 4 pack of AA for about $10.
Fry's has had Eneloop cells, which are Sanyo hybrids, for some time. A couple of days ago they had another brand also, Panasonic as I recall. But no Rayovacs. Are the Rayovacs better in some way?

RayOvac signed some exclusive deal with WalMart to only sell them there. That was the main reason I went with Eneloop.
swampgator said:
My local walmart had them last week. The combo pack with 2 AA, 2 AAA and the charger for ~ $20. IIRC they also had a 4 pack of AA for about $10.

The combo pack for me was only $11 at walmart
Eugene said:
RayOvac signed some exclusive deal with WalMart to only sell them there. That was the main reason I went with Eneloop.

I have seen the hybrid charger + some batteries (I think it was the charger + 4 AA, but not 100% sure) at TARGET this evening. So I am not sure if there is an exclusive deal at all bwtween RayOvac and Wally.
Eugene said:
RayOvac signed some exclusive deal with WalMart to only sell them there. That was the main reason I went with Eneloop.

ROV Hybrids should also be available at Target stores, too. There was a Walmart exclusive for a period of time, but I'm pretty sure that's over now.
I bought the charger with 2 AA and 2 AAA batteries at Target. There was a coupon on the package but I didn't need an extra pack of batteries and didn't read the super tiny print until I got home anyway.
I was at our Fry's today and the off brand hybrids were snapped up and gone. They still had some eneloops. CIrcuit City has them too.

Note: Off brand refers to the fact It was a brand name I had not seen before.
Pellidon said:
I was at our Fry's today and the off brand hybrids were snapped up and gone. They still had some eneloops. CIrcuit City has them too.

Note: Off brand refers to the fact It was a brand name I had not seen before.

There is no such thing as an off brand hybrid, hybrid is rayovac's marketing name. There isn't a such thing as a hybrid NiMH, they are low self discharge NiMH, hybrid is just a marketing name.
MorePower said:
ROV Hybrids should also be available at Target stores, too. There was a Walmart exclusive for a period of time, but I'm pretty sure that's over now.

I didn't know it ended, they lost my business pulling that deal with walmart. I would have preferred to buy from the American company but when they wanted to force me to shop at Walmart they lost. I'm at 36 eneloops already.
Yesterday I saw one of the Rayovac charger kits with a 4 battery charger, 6 AA and 2 AAA Hybrids for $30 at the local Circuit City. (They also sell Eneloops there at some pretty high prices.)

The local Wal*Marts here in San Diego seem to be able to keep the RayOVac Hybrids in stock whenever I'm there.
swampgator said:
My local walmart had them last week. The combo pack with 2 AA, 2 AAA and the charger for ~ $20. IIRC they also had a 4 pack of AA for about $10.
Same here (although I wouldn't call it local, it was more like 35 miles, but I was going down that way, anyway), but the price was <$10. :naughty: Plus there was a $5 MIR coupon taped to the package. I bought two of them! When I got home I read the fine (very fine!) print on the rebate coupon and it said there was a limit of two rebates per household (yay!), but I have to buy an additional Hybrid battery pack for each one. I had looked all over Walmart and did not see any just-batteries Hybrid packs. However, I have until 12/31/2008 to buy those two packs so I figure I can get them somewhere.

I'm suddenly swimming in NiMH batteries, and when I get those two extra Hybrid packs I'll probably not have to buy any for a number of years. Hopefully, the ones I have will retain their capacity for a long time. The majority of the ones I have aren't so hot and never were. Don't know why. However, the La Crosse BC-900 that should come any day should help me determine just how good they are.
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Muse said:
Same here (although I wouldn't call it local, it was more like 35 miles, but I was going down that way, anyway), but the price was <$10. :naughty: Plus there was a $5 MIR coupon taped to the package. I bought two of them! When I got home I read the fine (very fine!) print on the rebate coupon and it said there was a limit of two rebates per household (yay!), but I have to buy an additional Hybrid battery pack for each one. I had looked all over Walmart and did not see any just-batteries Hybrid packs. However, I have until 12/31/2008 to buy those two packs so I figure I can get them somewhere.

I may have been off about the price, in fact I'm sure I am.

What intrigued me was that the package says they can be charged on any Nimh charger. If that's the case I already have one from a few years back and won't need the ROV charger. Anyway I'll probably pick a few packs of AAs if nothing else but to stock my two-year old's minimag. He goes thru batts like a mad man!
Eugene said:
There is no such thing as an off brand hybrid, hybrid is rayovac's marketing name. There isn't a such thing as a hybrid NiMH, they are low self discharge NiMH, hybrid is just a marketing name.

They hybrid name was on the card and the cells. The brand was not one I recognized. Hence the off brand moniker by me. They are gone now because they were two bucks cheaper than the Enenloops or because of the copyright infringement.

In a semi related note: Meijer has the Ray-O-Vacs on sale in most stores that have them (results vary store to store). $7.99 for four AA or AAA. Some Meijer's have the rechargeable 123's too. Some just the charger/battery set, some have that and loose cells. These are the 3 volt versions.
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Saw some AA Rayovac Hybrids in the Sears camera aisle yesterday. Price was not shown. Also, Radio Shack has their kind too, but they were $20/4 pack.

Today I went to Best buy and Circuit City NO luck. Are these so new there is no demand or are the stores afraid to sell these to the consumers?
Rechargable batteries that last might be great for consumers but not the stores and companies that make and sell them!!!
Why is there no inventory?

The Rayovac Hybrid Battery manufacturer's "instant rebate" coupon for $5 off will expire on March 31, 2007.

I would expect that there has been a run on them by CPF members who read the " Hybrid cells Rayovac" thread
See my post there for price breakdown.

Just consider the following:
(1) Rayovac charger, (2) Rayovac Hybrid AA, (2) Rayovac Hybrid AAA
plus (4) Rayovac Hybrid batteries (either 4AA or 4AAA) for about $10 after California sales tax. Then you get a $5 mail-in rebate coupon on top of that.

In Orange County, California,
Target stocks Rayovac combo (charger w/2AA,2AAA for $10) and 4AAA battery packs (for $10). No 4AA that I saw.

Walmart stocks Rayovac combo ($11???) and 4 battery packs (4AA or 4AAA for $9).