What are your level settings for Ra Twisty?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 25, 2008
Hi All,

Well I finally received my Ra Twisty 85-TR and I love the thing - it is built like a tank but still remains much smaller and pocketable than I thought it would be. I also don't feel bad beating it as much as my Surefires for some reason - it just looks like its meant for use! I fried my digicam battery but hpoing to get a new one so I can get some pics up.

After 45 mins (and raw fingers from all the quick twisting), I finally figured out how to program it. I got a lot of laughs the 3 times I had to do a factory reset as you really need to twist quick!

Anyway, I searched for another thread on this topic but didn't see any dedicated, so...

I was just wondering what your favorite 3 level settings are?

So far I'm thinking I don't like a low setting first because I've already left the light on thinking it was off because the red is so low - But something high first will blast my vision at night while I'm twisting to low... :shrug:

So, I'm still trying to figure out my favorite line-up and most logical order...
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... I don't know if you'd consider this logical, but it works the best for me.

Position 1 = Red
Position 2 = .08lm White
Position 3 = 85lm White
I have a 100 TW. All I did was increase the low. The other default settings match my normal preferences.

1st: 3 lumens
2nd: 17 lumens
3rd: 100 lumens
Hey Bullfrog,

It looks like our 85tr's won't be made anymore so we will have one of the few around.

1st: .08lm
3rd:default or 85lm

I love these lights! Doug:)
Hey Bullfrog,

It looks like our 85tr's won't be made anymore so we will have one of the few around.

1st: .08lm
3rd:default or 85lm

I love these lights! Doug:)

I have one of the few 70-tr that were made before Henry stepped them up to 85.
1st: .33
2nd: 17
3rd: 70
Just changed the low red to .33 so i could check on the kids at night.And yes these lights are the best.Henry offered to reset my light to 85 for me but the difference is negligible and at 70LM i get 2 hrs runtime with no thermal step down!
I've got a 100Tw. I am amazed that the medium setting is only 17lm. It seems much brighter than that - a very usable mode.

I was going to raise my low setting from 0.3lm but have found it ok as it is. Again, it seems brighter than 0.3lm - My D10 doesn't look any brighter at 3 lm.

click the site map tab at the top, then look for "Ra Clicky Flashlight Customization Guide"

My Tr70 (or 85):shrug: is:
1: red
2: 0.8
3: 10 (or whichever level is nearest to 10 lumens)

I have enough pocket rockets, my RA is built like a tank, and set to last through the storm!

I just got my Twisty 100Tw about a week ago, and after giving it some time I changed the low setting. This is the only light I have that has a really low low, so I set it accordingly to take advantage of that. I found the default of 0.3 lumens for the low setting still a little too bright for middle-of-the-night use, so I brought it down to 0.1 lumens. Now I can read with it at night if I want to, and I can also use it in complete darkness to see well enough without it disturbing anyone else.

This really is a kick a$$ little tank of a light.
Stock... could not imagine programming it as a twisty I'd have to rig up a special programming clicky. In the old days using HEX to enter machine instructions was kool, octal was kool, binary was kool, but now.... sorry that was a another time, I have a binary watch for nostalgia and to confuse the hell ot of people. Programming with the twisty interface.... just not happening.
Ok, I'm having difficulty doing a factory reset. Here's a snippet from Ra's site:
To restore factory settings without going through the customization mode, follow this procedure:

  • Note: removing the battery case O-ring makes performing this procedure easier. You should replace the O-ring once this procedure has been completed.
  • Reset the flashlight - i.e., remove the battery for 60 seconds and reinstall. Your flashlight will light dimly. From the time the light turns on you will have 2 seconds to complete the next step.
  • Rapidly screw the battery case into the head until the light goes from dim to brighter. You have 2 seconds to accomplish this step from the beginning of a reset. If your flashlight turns off before changing intensity you will need to restart the procedure.
  • Your flashlight will become brighter for 10 seconds and then turn off. When your flashlight turns off the procedure has completed successfully. If there is insufficient power to restore the factory settings, your flashlight will flash very rapidly several times.
  • Turn off your flashlight even though it already appears to be off.
No matter how fast I try to thread the battery tube to get from dim to brighter, it still powers down before I make it. I've taken the o-ring off temporarily like Ra suggests too. Any helpful advice short of putting it in a drill press chuck? :whistle:
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