What did you get for Father's Day?


Jun 10, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I got my Father's Day presents early, as in 10 minutes ago. The family got me a rechargeable spot light that says it is 1,500,000 candle power. It's pretty damn bright. Lights up the house across the street like it is daytime. :D

I also got a gift card for Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World and a promise from the wife that we will go shopping there tomorrow. Cool! Can you say "new flashlight" everyone? I knew you could. :crackup:

A couple pics of my new torch.


Well, my wife wanted my son to buy me a hearing aid, but I told him to give me the money to buy another flashlight. My son laughed, and my wife just :banghead: well, you know.

Well, my wife still has to YELL AT ME, but I told her I'll still be able to see her in the dark, even if I can't hear her.

"Have A Happy Father's Day to all of you". :twothumbs :twothumbs
I got myself a P2D body and switch to go with my L1D-CEs. My family got me a nice dinner out and an evening at home enjoying each other's company and chocolate cake. Tomorrow, I'm taking my dad and mom out to lunch.

Very lucky me...
I got woken early by my five year old "happy fathers day dad", yawn....oh and I got a t shirt and had a nice meal out with family last week.
Alas no torches/flashlights for me, anyway it's the thought that counts.
I bought my dad an one of Peter Atwood's Titanium Keytons. For those of you into slick little keychain gadgets, look into it. This guy makes some amazing chunks of metal that will rapidly become part of your EDC...
I got a nice cup of tea from my 10yo, a nice mouse pad from the 5yo she made at school and a coupon book from my 8yo for hugs and chore's :twothumbs
I stripped off the blue plastic from a pair of AW 3V R123's(3.8v max), put some scotch tape around the cells, and fit them into my A2 aviator. Instant rechargeable A2!!! Whoo Hooo!!!!! That is my Father's Day gift to myself. :)
my dad was stuck at his office doing charts all day today, and i was at our farm with my grandfather, dad, brother and i are going out to eat some time this week. no clue as to what ill get him. doesnt like gadgets, knives, or watches. (ive bought him practically everything for fathers day, he doesnt use any of it)
Best thing I got was a call from my youngest daughter (they're in Phoenix). I'm gonna be a Grampa again next February.

:grin2: :grin2: :grin2: :grin2: :grin2: :grin2: :grin2:

From my first born 10 y.o. (special child) a big wet kiss and a card made by herself. (kleenex moment)
Son (8 y.o)-showed me his school report card much improved from last exam- made me proud.
2nd Son (5y.o)-made a tie from cardboard - ( I don't use them to work, although I should).
And from my youngest daughter 2.5y.o another wet kiss + skull hug!
Lastly from my wife........we played bedminton that night. he..he....he...
Woken up with hot tea - home made card from my 9 y-o and 4 y-o, and a beautiful gift of a framed photo montage of my two growing up! :mecry:

Which now has pride of place on our living room wall.

This was followed by a family walk at Primrose hill and one of my Dad's 'Romeo Y Julieta' Cigars - my first smoke since Christmas. And a fine Chinese meal from our favourite restaurant.

Last year I got an ORB RAW though...:thumbsup:

Be lucky...

Vote for Saxon!
promise of my choice of a GPS or new digital camera (for hiking, to act as second camera to my 35mm), subject to prices of said toys.

also, many hugs and kisses from my kids, and a dark chocolate candy bar.

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