What do people consider to be the best 4AA light?

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What do you lot think to be the best 4AA Flashlight considering cost, brightness, reliablity, battery life?

I hear the UK 4AA is pretty good?
my fav for 4aa's is running my cateye hl-1500 bicycle light! weird but its not bad, has a wierd elongated hotspot like a car headlight and could carry a spare inside the light. Also i run it on 4aa nimh's and put in a 3d cell maglite bulb to over drive it, creating very bright and useful lighting. very cheap on bulbs cause it's pr based. the coolest thing about it is that if i put in freshly charged batteries on it. i'll run it on low power for around 5 mins to level it off before i put it on full power (so i don't blow the bulb). i think there's a circuit board in there to control the low power setting by sending controlled pulses to the bulb. pretty neat. only prob i have with it is that it isn't water resistant! (big minus there but when used for camping it's during nice days)
Princeton Tec Tec40.


Very close to the brightness of an E2. Small package Very good beam. Used it this weekend while working under 2 sinks - had it on for about 1 1/2 hours straight - got warm but kept it's brightness with no problem. Get the one with the textured reflector if you have the option. Available from Brightguy.com online or numerous camping stores (I think ****'s Sporting Goods carries them.)

As Homer would say "DOOOOOOOO"

I meant the UKE 4AA or Q4, it uses the same lamp as the 2L if that counts.

I do like the Tec 40 also, but the UKE has been an "old faithful" for me.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Ummm... Brock? I didn't know the 2L took 4AA batteries!
(EDIT: Brock fixed his post, above)
As of right now, I say UKE 4AA, but that my change when i get my Tec40. I like the Tec40 using PR based bulbs, but the UKE 4AA has really been a very good, dependable light for me, and the one that I actually managed to kill they replaced for FREE!!
I second the Tec 40. I use the smooth reflector for a longer throw. In the PT Vortec 4AA headlamp though i use the dimpled reflector.

Anybody know what happens if you put the matrix module in the tec40? Does it blow up.