What have I got here? Info needed :)


Newly Enlightened
Jun 18, 2008
One of my other hobbies is astronomy, and I have a computer controlled telescope mount that has a DC power supply for use in the field. It's basically a large battery that you charge up at home to give a DC supply for the mount. This is the one I have:


As you can see, it has a large lamp on the front, advertised as "800,000 candle power Halogen emergency spotlight". Obviously I'm a little skeptical about his, as I've never actually used it in the field as it would totally destroy any night adaptation.

So, does anyone have any info about this light?


Well I guess the 800,000 candle power description is a bit less exaggerated than the ten million candle power claims that are often seen on halogen spot lights :)

But apart from the extra power outputs, the light probably performs similarly to the standard format lead-acid battery powered halogen spot lights that are easily found in the likes of Wal-Mart, Sears, etc.

I looked for indications of the bulb used, but could find no information about spares or replacements, so I don't know.
I see that it may be a 55W rated bulb. Maybe someone in the Incandescent Forum could tell you more about it.
I'll move it there for you and we'll see what they say (they'll probably say it belongs in Spotlights & HID, lol)
I'll move it there for you and we'll see what they say (they'll probably say it belongs in Spotlights & HID, lol)

Thanks for moving it :). I put it in general because I had no idea if it counted as incan or spotlight ;).

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