What is the best battery for the MG P-Rocket?


Jan 2, 2010
Bloomington, IN
I just received the MG P-Rocket last week and it is a blast of light on high. The voltage input is 2.8-6V and it's specs state that it runs at 2800 mA on high. I want to make sure "I'm giving her all she's got", while running rechargeable Li-Ions. What is my best solution? Thanks.
- Zen
I am thinking my best options are an IMR 18650, or possibly one of the newer AW P18650 (2600).

I believe I read that a normal 18650 will drop out of regulation rather quickly, and not offer optimal brightness, because the light does not use a boost driver and it is pulling so many amps on high. Is this true?
I currently have an EagleTac 18650. Should I stick with that or will one of the above be a better option?

If you read the sales threads of the MG PLI and the new MG P-Rocket ......

I think you will find some discussions of batteries , and even some input from ShiningBeam , himself .

Ah, the sales thread in the Marketplace. I didn't think of that. Good idea - thanks.
I see now why people haven't answered this question for me. I just read through that thread and people are all over the place on their answers. I find it very interesting, however.
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