Flashlight Enthusiast
Having just got some new Eneloops NiMH AA (thanks to coppertrail) I realized the only NiMH I've had in the past rarely got used and I didn't really know when they should get a charge (I used NiCD's for quite a while but that's a different beast). What I'm asking is at what voltage would it be best to recharge an Eneloop? I'm always close to a meter and a charger and I don't need to use these for extended time runs so I can check and track how much charge they have left often with ease. I'd like to know how to best keep these healthy. I've seen Silverfox mention NiMH should be fully discharged every 30-50 cycles but also wonder if this also applies to the slightly different Eneloop chemistry. So should these just be run down to around 1.0 volt or more or less before charging? Or maybe just charge when they drop out of regulation or start kicking down fast in a regulated light? Any input appreciated. I'm guessing this may have been answered here before but I didn't see it in the 'Sticky' and I'm not sure how to do a search here for this as CPF's server doesn't seem to like multi-word searches and the Google search only produced 1 hit and that was irrelevant.