what next?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2008
Peoria,IL USA
In the past 10 years we have seen flashlight technology rapidly evolve. Lights now are producing massive amounts of lumens and incredible runtimes. We went from having to replace bulbs in lights every time they burnt out to never having to do so for a lifetime. Where do you see flashlight technology evolving to ? What is the next great thing thats going to evolve the industry all over again?
Where I'd like to see it go is toward smaller, brighter, programmable lights. Efficiencies are sure to improve. And, maybe most of all, breakthroughs in battery technology would be welcomed.

More of a "hope for" than "will be"..... agree with the turtle.....especially with hybrid vehicles using old technology (the Ford Escape Hybrid uses 250 D-cell Sanyo NiMh in series, I've had many many of those open to work on)....there's gotta be something better on the horizon that will change the whole game.
I want a 1,000 lumen light in the same size class as say the Fenix PD30 that will run on max for 2 hours. Obviously we would need some big breakthrough's in heat reduction and battery life but hey I'm all for wishing.
I'd like to see LEDs get physically smaller to increase the throw of LED lights.
Four inch, lightweight, infinitely adjustable and mulitcoloured cold fusion powered light. Available in a wide choice of metals and finishes. Or is that going to far in one leap?

In that case, I would settle for 200 lumens for 12 hours on one battery the size of a 123 (or smaller).
In that case, I would settle for 200 lumens for 12 hours on one battery the size of a 123 (or smaller).

I think this is probably going to be the most sought after develpment. Yes 1000 lumens is great for showing off, but useless for most other applications (note I said most not all).

I would choose runtime improvements over output improvements anyday, now that we have single CR123 lights pumping out 200+ otf lumens.

An 18650 size light that did 400+ otf lumens for 12 hours would be good also. And at the rate of development, I think it will be just a couple of years before we see this.

The number of flashaholices seems to be growing and more demand equals more development.
I think a surface brightness increase would really shake things up. Making LEDs brighter by making them bigger, feeding them with more power, only to generate more heat doesn't really excite me all that much. Surface brightness and efficiency seem to be lagging lately.

incan CRI levels out of an LED will also forge new territory.
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