What to make of a cheap survival flashlight.

Notsure Fire

Jan 7, 2008
I basically bought this one from here http://www.buy.com/prod/survivor-10...y-lamp-am-fm-weather/q/loc/111/206227869.html
Here is a picture of it. (Moderator note: HOTLINKING not allowed IAW CPF Rules)

It would be an awesome little device if it was actually ruggedly built by a good manufacturer like SureFire with their warranty. However it isn't. But a good idea is used. Here are the "Technology Specifications":
Power Requirement - DC3V
Rechargeable Battery - Ni-MH 2.4V 500mAh
Dry cell - DC3V (UM-1X2)
Solar Cell and Panel Output - 3V 450mA
Handle Generator Uutput - 3V 450mA
Cellphone recharging output - 4.2V 350mA
External power - 4.5V 300mA

The LED light is 8000mcd

The Power Out is 300mW

It also says that If cranking 130 times/minute for 30 minutes, the radio can play for 8 hours and the LED can stay on for 8.5 hours.
90 Seconds of cranking will give 15 minutes of radio and 13 minutes of LED.

That's it.
Now I actually was able to charge up my cellphone for a few seconds while cranking so it all works. Now I know that the new LEDs (Cree, Seoul, Luxeon...) are more economic and brighter than the regular ol' 5mm ones. I can't help but wonder what would happen if I inserted something like the LED of today!

I am looking at the Fenix Store's AA x2 flashlights because I know I need something that uses up around 3 volts.
The Fenix Digital L2D CE uses Cree 7090 XR-E LED. That is
9 lumens (55hrs) -> 40 lumens (10.5hrs)
The Fenix Digital L2D RB100 uses Luxeon Rebel LED. That is
11 lumens (55hrs) -> 50 lumens (10.5hrs)
Seems to me that this Luxeon is better because it gives 2 more lumens at approximately the same runtime and then 10 more lumens with the same runtime again.

I would probably use the 11 Lumen feature of the bulb most of the time with this flashlight, however it is always good to have the option of 175 lumen ;) My question is if I would be able to get the Luxeon to work with this flashlight. If not, then what LED of today would work? How would I do it? Thanks.
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Let me get this straight, you want to buy a Fenix, just to transplant the emitter?? :eek:

You can get a complete quality survival setup (similar, but better than above) for the same price.
No no, lol I want to buy the Luxeon separately to use with this flashlight. It's just a crazy thought. I might just end up modding some MTE to use the rechargeable batteries that this flashlight uses. It just seems to be a cool mod to have this cheap looking flashlight run something like the Luxeon and blast with power.

I paid $1 for this flashlight..