What's the cheapest body that will fit a P60 drop-in?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 30, 2007
What's the cheapest _aluminum_ body that will fit a P60 drop-in?

6P's are kind of expensive... around $60 a pop to host a drop-in.

Any suggestions?
Yeah, I guess something by wolf eyes will fit some of them, cause I've seen drop-ins that say they won't work in wolf eyes lights.

There's probably a post around here that lists all lights that fit a p60. :shrug:
maxfire is plastic, but will fit the P60 size drop-ins, bad for heat sinking though.

A wolf-eyes would be the best alternative being that it is built well and can handle an 18650 cell if you are interested.

there are a number of ultrafire/superfire and various others available through dealextreme, kaidomain, and qualitychinagoods.
The cheapest wolf-eyes is $35. For a little bit more you could get a 6p.
DX model TR C2 less than $17. How is that for cheap? I think I win.

Uh...yeah, but what's the point in buying that as it already comes with the LED P60-type drop-in. Unless divine is talking about an actual P60 Xenon drop-in, well I guess that one is among the cheapest.

But this one is probably the cheapest that could take either P60 Xenon or LED drop-in:


It's too bad Brinkmann didn't make an aluminum version of their Maxfire LX as I'm sure it would be among the cheapest you could buy domestically.
Dam, there goes my option. It was on my buy list for this very purpose, at least now I know and can save my money. I was going to toss the module and put in a Gene. I guess I'll just watch for what works for you!

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