Whats your view on these CR123A's


Dec 20, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
I was looking at some CR23A bateries on Ebay Australia in which they are goiing for quite cheap. Basically you get 10xVipow CR23A batts for $4.95, but what surprises me more is that the packaging looks like that from the Energizer Rechargeables infact virtually identical.

I've never heard of this brand of batttery and would like your view and feedback

If you ask me, I would not trust it.

But maybe send the seller a quick note, ask where the batteries are made. Also ask to see a picture of the top and bottom of a battery without the packaging.
If you ask me, I would not trust it.

But maybe send the seller a quick note, ask where the batteries are made. Also ask to see a picture of the top and bottom of a battery without the packaging.

Whats the reason for seeing top and bottom ?

Also we cant really say where their made is bad. I mean we get Duracells and Energizers made in China or arouund the world.
looks like their borrowing as much of the energizer packaging look as possible to disguise something.. I would probably avoid em. I can't help but imagine a reseller trying to explain exploding cells by repeating the brand name... as if to say, they say right on the package "POW."
Whats the reason for seeing top and bottom ?

Also we cant really say where their made is bad. I mean we get Duracells and Energizers made in China or arouund the world.

From distinguishing marks on the battery's top and bottom, you can tell which factory and country they were made in - with a high degree of certainty.

Specifically, Energizer and Duracell CR123 are known to be made in the US.

Non-US made CR123 have known to explode. Just search for other postings on this forum about exploding CR123.
Ok bit off topic here but would you reccomend Sanyo CR123A batts.

Not off topic.

Sanyo made in the US are highly recommended. These are supposed to be made in the same factory as Energizer, Surefire and Duracells.
Ok I need to double check on this but I thought the Energizer CR123A's were made in Japan and not USA, well this is here in Australia.

OK, if that is so, then I sit in front of my computer corrected.

Japan should be ok.

In the US, I notice CR2 are made in Japan but CR123 are made in the US.
Ok, according to their website they've been in business for over 12 yrs so probably not that bad and probably better than many other unknown brands out there. The more expensive Energizers and other brands may last slightly longer in terms of usage. Though I do sometimes tend to find brands like Duracell and Energizers to be over hyped. The best I can do is to try them and give them a go and who knows if all works out really well I will post back here and give my feedback.

Here's their actual website, good thing is, its also in English 😛

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Albinoni, there are serious risks associated with cheap batteries (made in China batteries) including explosion and fire. It's up to you whether you consider those risks acceptable.
Hello Albinoni,

Why is it that when I go to their web site I can't find anything on CR123 batteries?

Have you been able to find them listed there?

Hello Albinoni,

Why is it that when I go to their web site I can't find anything on CR123 batteries?

Have you been able to find them listed there?


Hmmmm strange indeed, also had a look myself and did not seem to see them listed, which really should come under Lithium section, but there's not Lithiums listed on their site at all. Only Nicads and NiMH's.

Unless they havent bothered updating their website.

I should email them ask if they do make the CR123A's and if so why it isnt listed on their site, unless another company is making it for them but again if so it still should be listed.