Where to order a Deree DBS from?


Sep 10, 2008
I'm in the market for a thrower. I've got a Nitecore EX-10 which I'm impressed with, and I really appreciate 4 seven's customer service (he exchanged a whiny L2D for me with 0 hassle) so I was going to order a Raidfire speer, but then they stopped offering the smooth reflector. So now I'm looking at the Dereelight DBS. The questions is, where do I order from? I'd much prefer ordering from a US based retailer if possible.
So that site is for a US retailer? Is Dereelight an American company then? I just assumed it was a Chinese company like most of the others.

So the next question. Which version to i order for max output/throw?
It says that the 3SM pill is not as bright because it only runs at 1.0 amps, so that means there are no potential brightness gains to be had by running 2x18650 with an extension tube and the 3SM pill?
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So that site is for a US retailer? Is Dereelight an American company then? I just assumed it was a Chinese company like most of the others.

I believe they are based out of Hong Kong. The website is worldwide direct sales.

So the next question. Which version to i order for max output/throw?

Concensus seems to be that the digital pills are driven harder and provide more output/throw.

See Dereelight's thread over in the MarketPlace forum for more info and discussion.
I believe they are based out of Hong Kong. The website is worldwide direct sales.

Concensus seems to be that the digital pills are driven harder and provide more output/throw.

See Dereelight's thread over in the MarketPlace forum for more info and discussion.

So the lights ordered from the site are shipped from Hong Kong? How long does delivery usually take? And how are they for warranty support?
So the lights ordered from the site are shipped from Hong Kong? How long does delivery usually take? And how are they for warranty support?

There are a number of Dereelight threads in the CPF Markeplace Manufacturers section where people have posted when they ordered and how long it took to deliver. My times will probably not help you but it took 1 week and 1 day to ship a CL1H V4 from Dereelight to me in Australia. There are a number of folks from the USA who have reported faster and slower times.

Look for a thread for your model and ask if there are stocks or other shipping delays and Alan is usually pretty quick to reply. I think he recently posted that they have a couple of public holidays coming up which will probably mean the post office will be closed.