Turbo DV8
Flashlight Enthusiast
I bought an Inova X5 on clearance at Target. It has the "INOVA" logo molded into the rubber switch cover in large block letters, which I understand means it is the last incarnation of the X5. It was DOA, however, and I have been looking for another X5. I found a whole rack full of them at Fry's, but the rubber switch cover is different. Around the edge of the rubber switch cover it says, in very tiny letters, "Emissive Energy - Inova Patented". I understand that a rubber switch cover that has no text indicates that it is an earlier version, which is much dimmer, but what version has the "Emissive Energy - Inova Patented" text? Fry's had about 30 X5's in black and silver, and all had the text on the rubber, so I am assuming that their stock can't possibly all be an older version. Did Inova release the X5 in the most up-to-date form with two different types of rubber switch covers? When my DOA X5 is working (after a good whack) it appears similar in brightness to the Fry's offering, but the Fry's X5 leans slightly more toward purple tint, while the DOA X5 is more bluish-green.