Which LED next?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 7, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
I have been lurking here for a few months. Prior to reading these forums, my flashlights basically consisted of MAG incands (3D and 2AA).

I picked up some of the Element K2's at Sam's Club to see what this LED stuff was all about (my only prior experience with the LED flashlights was an old 1st gen Inova with 5 blue LED's). I was amazed at the difference, and began going back though the threads here to see what all I was missing.

I started with the basic Photon Freedom II keychain light. It works ok for very basic nighttime illumination, but I needed something more that was small enough to carry all the time, but with at least Mini-mag brightness. The Arc-P was well reviewed here, and since they were local to me (and in fact, I had done some IT work for them in the past), so I drove over and picked one up. It fit my need perfectly for a light to use for looking at serial numbers on computers under desks and checking equipment in server rooms. My only complaint with it was that it was very hard to turn on (I wasn't able to turn it on one handed). It is very bright and practically indestructable.

The Element K2's were very nice replacements for the Mag 3D's, but they were still a bit bulky. I decided on a Surefire E1B as a 'standard carry' light. The low beam is perfect for indoor use, and the high beam has the throw I like for outdoor use. My only real complaint with this light is that it switches to high first, then to low - I'd prefer it the other way.

Last week I ordered a new Maxpedition backpack from Lighthound, and I added a Fenix E01 just to see what all the fuss was about. It isn't as bright as the Arc-P, but it turns much easier. I'll be swapping them back and forth over the next few weeks to see which I end up liking best.

Now I have been mulling over what to get next. I don't have a specific need (at least not as my wife would define need), but I have been looking at the Surefire E2DL, E2L Outdoorsman, and the Fenix P3D Premium Q5.

I really like the lumen combinations on the E2DL, but I don't care for the crenellated bezel. I like the order of brightness on the E2L, but I wish it was brighter. I really like the price on the P3D.

I'd appreciate any input you guys have. I prefer clicky tailcaps over twist on, but I am not particular about any given battery type. I expect to be using this light for evening walks/neighborhood patrol, hikes that run past sundown, and as my standard 'in the pack' light.
Now that you've got your CR123 power lights, why not consider something that can run rechargeable AA batteries for your every-day use.

Take a look at the Fenix L2D for a very bright light powered by AA
An AA powered light might be good for times when you can't get CR123s.

But you do have the E01 so that might work as an "opps, no CR123" light.

The E2DL and E2L are pretty similar to the E1B(they have the same optics) so maybe for variety the P3D would be better. But the E2DL has a good amount of throw for its size. The E2L is simple and has the mode selection that you want.

How about neither and send the E1B to someone like Milkyspit to have it modded?

Welcome to CPF. You've got a lot of lights to pick, from throwers to floody lights, headlights to tiny custom lights. Do your homework, figure out your budget, and then make your purchase.

This is a journey that you will have to discover how to travel on your own. We can help suggest lights but ultimately there are so many ways to enlightenment you will have to prioritize how to go down that road.


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