Which Soldering Iron/Gun?


Feb 9, 2004
Boston, MA
I was just curious what type of Soldering Iron/Gun people are using? Does anyone make a micro soldering gun for working on those itty bitty emitters?

I bought a Xytronic soldering station when I was doing a lot of guitar effects. Most of that was through hole work. With the industry swinging toward SMD components, I had to get another station for fine pitch components.

For surface mount work, I use this CSI station, with this tip.

The stock tip is fine for most applications, though.

I don't need the digital display, but they are available for about $10 more.
I used to have a Goot 40W soldering iron with a "quite pointy" tip. The heating element eventually died so I got a pretty generic replacement, I think 25-30W. I killed the tip by using a curled metal thing to clean it, and had to retin it often, so I put the tip from the Goot in and it works well. I now only use a sponge to clean it.

In summary, use I recommend a good tip and something soft to clean it.