Who manufactures the THC3 LEDs?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2002
New Jersey
Quick question: does anyone have any clues as to who actually manufactures the THC3 white LEDs sold by LSDiodes.com? It's pretty clear that the latter is only a distributor.

Some additional background: THC3 LEDs have been good performers, IMHO second only to the SMJLEDs... and they may in fact be the same as the SMJLEDs, just a lesser bin. HOWEVER, the most recent batch of THC3 LEDs from LSDiodes is noticeably different from traditional ones. The traditional THC3 LED had four bond wires going into the die cup, which makes sense in that it had FOUR dice in the cup. The new LEDs sold as 'THC3' only have two bond wires... and in a couple cases all I can see is a single bond wire. Mind you, when I say 'see' I mean with the assistance of 10x magnification with the subject area illuminated by, ironically, a THC3 LED... so I'm thinking it's not all that likely I'm just not seeing the bond wires... especially when I've looked at 15-20 LEDs and NONE of them has more than 2 bond wires!

Anyway, something seems wrong with this picture, and I've found the LSDiodes folks to be not so great at customer service, nor are they very forthcoming as far as working with the customer on issues like this. Rightly or wrongly, I've reached the conclusion that in the interest of protecting my own customers by ensuring they're getting the genuine 'THC3' LED, I'm best served to go straight to the manufacturer.

So again, does anyone know who the manufacturer might be?

Thanks folks. :bow:
greenLED said:
Is the output the same? Hopefully it's a redesign (for the better).

Unknown at present, Greenie. Eventually I hope to do a fairly rigorous test... or barring that, I'll send one or two over the JTR1962 (who also has the older ones) for a comparison.

I'd still like to know who manufactures them though. Anyone? :eek:oo:
If you look at my white LED ratings thread:


You'll see that the only other LED with 4x1 bond wires is the Quickar 5m100w.

So it seems possible they're made by the same mfr.

On the Quickar site, they're marked "TS UB 4 die".

So I suspect the manufacturer's initials are "TS" and UB stands for "ultra bright".

If the older THC3s have four bond wires, I'm pretty sure they're not an SMJLED. The SMJLED has 4 pairs of bond wires for a total of eight wires.

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I just received a shipment of LS THC3s today, actually.

There's definitely only two bond wires.

I looked at the lead frame design and the stamping pattern, and they're identical to an ISP 5mm 100ma. So I think it's highly likely the new ones are ISPs.

On an unrelated note, I also received the red THC3, and it has a square hotspot. Never seen that before.

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MattK said:
I believe those are made by Cheech & Chong Inc. :)

Was waiting for someone to notice the curious name that LSDiodes gave to these! (Incidentally... LSDiodes?)

Sorry to get a little OT in my own thread! :ohgeez:
I was cocked and ready to fire on the whole LSD - THC thing. Darn it! Sounds like somebody has been doing more than just 'tripping the lights fantastic' lol Anyway wish I could help you Milky, but all I have is a cheesy joke.
LSD and THC live together in perfect harmony
Side by side on my PCB, oh lord, why dont we?

Yes - it's time for me to go to bed. :)
I don't know, but I always found the older ones to be VERY good performers. The blues and greens give off very impressive light even direct on 2 alkaline cells or lithium cells... equal to lesser bin colored Lux Is. I don't think I ever tried one with a proper circuit though or maybe I did and forgot about it.

And I put a red one in an old style X1 so the circuit was overdriving it considerably. I forget how many cycles I put through it, but it was several battery changes then sold it. I'd imagine a green or blue somewhat overdriven would be VERY impressive.

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