Whole Laptop batteries transformed to ebike battery?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 2, 2012
Miami, Florida
I appreciate the concern, but I'm a big boy. :) 62 and have had a good chunk of life to learn from. Work as an apprentice just so I can build a battery pack?

If it helps any, and not to brag, just facts, I built my little house single handed, all but the carpet flooring and a small portion of the roof. I was just to weary to bother or I'd a done the flooring/carpet too and I welcomed the offer for a few hours help on the roof. Wired it, plumed it, everything, no other help on labor but what I mentioned, only from a friend who was a builder whom I could ask questions of if I needed too. I never worked in construction or as an electricians apprentice, so no experience at all. But the state allows it, as they know it's not rocket science, even though there is potential for danger. The house passed every inspection and on the first try. No issues with the house 16 yrs later. Oh, and I have the fairly severe residuals of the Polio virus in one leg to boot so, that has been a great teacher as well. No matter what if one man can do it, so can another, even with the odds a bit against us. Those are all things I'd rather not have brought up, but FWIW, those are my credentials.

I've found experience to be the best teacher by far, and this doesn't worry me in the least, as long as I take it slowly. And I'd much rather have this than a book that can't talk back...do people still use books? :) As far as it being an internet board, where better? Plenty of good experience here I could never run across out here.

But in the end, it's up to you all.

I won't belabor my advice and around here, you're not touching any electrical/plumbing/gas items unless you're a licensed contractor and have permits. Sure, lots of illegal rooms 'exist' here in Miami, so people do attempt things, but for most of us, we'd want our houses and condos actually built by people who have passed some tests, know what they're doing and made it through the permit inspections. But that's just me.

You're 62 and can build out a house, but that hardly qualifies you to perform brain surgery, right?

Anyhow, good luck and don't burn anything down.


Dr. Mario

Mar 4, 2010
Actually, there's more to battery pack build than just simply building a house. One mistake and you will find out real fast.

I handle bare Lithium ion batteries with dose of skepticism and caution - the pouched Lithium polymer batteries tend to be unpredictable in this regard.

For general Lithium ion battery pack implementation, battery management system is normally required mainly for numbers of safety reasons. Bare batteries tend to be very dangerous, especially when mistreating them.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 13, 2005

just tested the new pack. did 61kms. duct-taped for now. will build a proper box asap


Newly Enlightened
Mar 15, 2016
know what they're doing and made it through the permit inspections.

You weren't paying attention, made it through all the inspections first time, and some would derive from that I did know what I was doing. In case you missed the point, the comments were only to let you know I have half a brain, and not to worry... sorry they offended you and wonder why you automatically assume I'm too incompetent to pull something like this off? If you'd rather not help, fine, but no need to get nasty.

Illegal rooms? You really do have a tough time comprehending what you read, don't you...and you really build battery packs??

You're 62 and can build out a house, but that hardly qualifies you to perform brain surgery, right?


Oh, I get it, you actually think this qualifies as brain surgery...good one. :) and it tells me a lot about you and the probable reason for your attitude.

I guess some people are just insecure that way, and it would be too much for them to see someone just do, with no problem, what they think of themselves as so special for being able to do and what was so hard for them to achieve their own selves. Seen it before and this reeks of that. I mean how dare a newb such as myself disagree with such an expert.

Gosh you are so awesome for being able to do this...my hero. Bet you like that much better, eh? Maybe I should have taken that approach, lol. I said nothing rude, yet that's what I get in reply? Has to be some reason for that, and I'm going with that probability.

Hate to burst your bubble but this is not brain surgery nor is it rocket science...a ten year old could do it. I mean how hard is, "ok, now do this" I do it, "then do that" and I do it? What part of this would be so hard to do with direction? Exactly...none of it, no magic involved, and that's why I think this is about something else. I now have to wonder what not so smart things you do when building a battery like this, to assume that others will have such a tough time of it? You CAN build a battery pack...right?

And BTW, on this:

I won't belabor my advice and around here, you're not touching any electrical/plumbing/gas items unless you're a licensed contractor and have permits.

Why are you flat out lying to me? Did you get your feelings hurt that badly? Go look up Owner Builder Permit in Dade Co. then take some Me time and reflect on your actions.
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Newly Enlightened
Mar 15, 2016
if you can build a house then you could certainly build a battery pack. it's not rocket science either

here's the first pack i built. soldered since i didn't have a spot welder back then:


here's my latest one:


everything you need to know is on the interwebs. lots of build threads on endless-sphere

Now there's a man with a good attitude/approach on life. What's the voltage/Ah on that pack?

Thanks OC, I'll do whatever it takes. :)
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Sep 15, 2016
If those are Samsung 30Q or similar cells

1S8P 3.7V 24000mAh with >120A constant discharge

7S8P 25.9V 24000mAh with >120A constant discharge


Newly Enlightened
Mar 15, 2016
If those are Samsung 30Q or similar cells

1S8P 3.7V 24000mAh with >120A constant discharge

7S8P 25.9V 24000mAh with >120A constant discharge

Thank you, Lexel. :)

As in that pack, I got exactly 48 batteries with my last buy, all up to par at a nominal 2100mah, and if that many can make a substantial Ah 48V system, that may be the way for me to go.