I had a bunch of Seoul p4's in series and they went. Now I have some Cree XR-E's that are toast. I don't get it. I am using a microdrive9 350 mA driver and have the voltage correct ( I checked everytime). Each time I connect the leads from the driver to the star it flashes and then is dead IF I connect them to the star on the same side. I mean if you look at the star and there is pos on one half and neg on the other with 2 contact points each, choose the two contacts closest to eachother and connect. It seems that if I choose the two contacts that are furthest apart I don't have the problem. Then again, I modded my Zenix IQ and they are the closer set, with no problem. Why do I keep losing emitters? i can't afford this and DX will not keep sending replacements. HELP!!!