Why infrared cameras REALLY got changed

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Nov 18, 2006
NJ /Oh / Fla
Some of you may know that infrared video/still cameras got made a few years back.Less know why they got changed and this feature was removed.

Short version:

The "official" story is that people could see through "some" types of clothing at night.World wide every MFG was told to stop making infrared cameras with correct filters. ( public models that you can just buy any place) **not "night shot" thats different

The actual story is :2 events happened at nearly the same time.

#1 A guy with M.S. in mexico had 2 cameras. 1 was a "normal" digital camera. #2 was the same model 1 year earlier ( sony) with full infrared/real night vision.
Seems this guy was on his 18th floor porch, shooting a mexican air show very far away .He had both cameras on the same tripod at the same hight and angle.

The next day he was going over his footage.#1 shots looked as expected ...jets far away zooming around for the public ..doing a show.

#2 Had MANY objects in frame.Some "normal" type format for a US aircraft..some not "normal"

**These were not : Swamp gas,ball lightning,comet,venus,space station or birds.

Normal camera shows nothing..infrared shows crafts in formation.Both in same location..same time..same day.

Event #2 was a military leak.More or less some one high ranking told just why we released ALL our "normal" stealth crafts to the public.( usually we wait 20-50+ years to tell such things..OR never)
He said " because be have a huge leap in technology that renders curent stealth obsolete"

I can say for sure ,I saw things in the military.

For the nay sayers : Google about the "known" cloaking reasearch that was done over a year ago.This was in every paper and tv show. Youtube research in asia about invisibility.
Keep in mind the military is YEARS ahead of the science the public hears about.Cloaking research was squelched from the media fast.

Hell even some military TV show on discovery teased us about the invis-soldier.They had a working prototype...mind you this was a civilian outfit NOT millitary.It was just a suit with cameras that made the front of you look like whats behind you.

I asked my nearly 80 year old dad this question:
When you were a kid,if I told you that soon we would have portable phones...the size of 1/3 a piece of sliced bread...no wires...that played 1000's of music songs...movies..sports events..lasted days..in color...ect ect

He said " Son you would have been locked up" and that the town would have laughed at me..and called me buck rodgers or somthing.

Im sure this subject can be Googled and alot more info found.

Cloaking technology "should" be released to the public around 2012

Those with limited minds, feel free to flame away.

My 2 cents

FYI There are those that will "modify" your camera for FULL infrared technology.You can find this info easily
Some cameras ( mostly sony) can be tricked to do this for free. More or less you slide the night-shot 1/2 way on BUT the servo does not move the filters in place.Then you just need a vis-filter from sony for 50 bucks or so.
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Those with limited minds, feel free to flame away.

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