3-24-2020 - EMAIL UPDATE FROM GENE MALKOFF (seems I may have compromised this head - so I'll keep it and use it till it dies. ...):
"Hello William,
The integrated circuit in the M61HOT are not rated for that voltage. I really don't know if you have damaged it yet or not. I am surprised to hear that it still works. It seems like a really bad idea.
Thanks, Gene"
A Malkoff MD4 with M61HOT head - some use - excellent condition (some small dinks) - conus only - shipping included for both $145.00.
I could partition the sale but not interested in a trade this time. BTW the head has a Hi-Lo ring. $95 for head - $60 for body if partitioned.
NOTE: Yes, it's a 6v head - sorry I didn't explain my use - this was my dog/woods trail walker setup and I ran mostly on "Lo" with 2 Efest 18650 3000mAh 35A 3.7v.
On the rare occasion I needed a blast I would tap the head and go to Hi for a very short duration.
Worked like a charm with the extra voltage momentarily. On Lo, this setup gives a bright (almost too bright..) ,very long run-time with good spill/throw balance.

3-24-2020 - EMAIL UPDATE FROM GENE MALKOFF (seems I may have compromised this head - so I'll keep it and use it till it dies. ...):
"Hello William,
The integrated circuit in the M61HOT are not rated for that voltage. I really don't know if you have damaged it yet or not. I am surprised to hear that it still works. It seems like a really bad idea.
Thanks, Gene"
A Malkoff MD4 with M61HOT head - some use - excellent condition (some small dinks) - conus only - shipping included for both $145.00.
I could partition the sale but not interested in a trade this time. BTW the head has a Hi-Lo ring. $95 for head - $60 for body if partitioned.
NOTE: Yes, it's a 6v head - sorry I didn't explain my use - this was my dog/woods trail walker setup and I ran mostly on "Lo" with 2 Efest 18650 3000mAh 35A 3.7v.
On the rare occasion I needed a blast I would tap the head and go to Hi for a very short duration.
Worked like a charm with the extra voltage momentarily. On Lo, this setup gives a bright (almost too bright..) ,very long run-time with good spill/throw balance.

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