"The Best Flashlight Ever" Hmmmm
Kazamanero, spend some time reading here, and you will discover that flashlights are like tools, and there are different tools for different jobs. Some of the "best" flashlights around are:
Streamlight SL-20x
SureFire E1e
SureFire E2e
SureFire M6
Arc LS
Princeton Tec Surge
Brinkmann Legend LX
Optronics 2 Million CP rechargable Spotlight
UKE 4aa
UKE Sunlight SL6
UKE Light Cannon or D8
Inova Microlight
But they vary in size, weight, light output and price. There are "kazillions" of posts here about the ARC AAA, and they are mostly ultra great posts, but does that mean that the ARC AAA is better than the Streamlight 20-XL?
You would have to define your target users, and design a flashlight for them. Is it Uniformed Law Enforcement? Is it plain cloths law enforcement? Is it for EDC? Is it specifically for night time LE? Hikers? An Auto Flashlight? Fishing or boating? Under water? Cold environments?
I would say that it would need to be compared to the SureFire 10X series and the SureFire 9an Commander.
Also, what is the bulb life?
For that kind of money, every detail is important.
Tailcap or twist on or side button, or some combo of the three? Is there a lock out option? Is the tailcap momentary on, constant on, or both?
Also, no matter how well made, a 375$ light from an unknown company is a lot to spend.
Also, the beam, is it a narrow long beam, or a wide beam? Whatever it is, people are going to want the other one.
Is the beam perfect? There can't be any rings or shadows.
Is there a "low output" mode?
Also, you say "the size of a normal flashlight". What is a normal flashlight?
Maybe for the lay person, that might be a 2D or 3D light, but most people here prefer smaller to larger. If you ONLY use for a flashlight is light, then smaller is ALWAYS better than larger.
IF, however, you were in a position where the light might also be used as a defensive tool, then you might want a "steel pipe" type of light.
The Streamlight Ultrastinger, SL-20x and LS-35 are very popular lights, because they are well made, strong, bright, durable, long bulb life, and rechargable, but they are also a "mini club" should the user need it to be.
A hiker doesn't need, or want that style of light.
Is it something that a police officer would rely upoon to depend his life on?
I think we would love to hear more about this light, but you need to define your users. As you see, there is more than just "a light that shines" to a flashlight.