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Sold/Expired WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 by kuku427 Or JHanko EX10


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 9, 2010
So. Calif.
WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 or Mirage Man Fatty

Edit, looking mainly for Ti Fatty EX10 by kuku427 or Mirage Man Fatty

I'm looking to round out my collection with a Titanium Fatty EX10 creation by kuku427.

If you'd like to part with yours, please let me know the price you'd like shipped to Calif. 92220


Also looking for a JiL UV!
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Re: WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 kuku427 creation

:candle: Anyone with a Ti Fatty for sale because :hitit:
Re: WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 kuku427 creation

:oops: I was hoping it would be interpreted as I'd Take It!
Re: WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 kuku427 creation

someone need to make a dancing banana that says "I'd buy that!"

And, If I hadn't just sold my Ti Fatty, I would be honored to have her in your top 5! LOL
Re: WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 by kuku427 Or a Gotham

Not getting any action on my Ti Fatty inquiry.

Thinking I'd throw another rare request out there, how about any one have a Gotham in original case they'd consider selling?

Re: WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 by kuku427 Or a Gotham

How about one of these?
Re: WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 by kuku427 Or a Gotham

That's a beauty of a Gotham, is it for sale? :devil:
Re: WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 by kuku427 Or a Gotham

I have a spare EX10 Fatty, but I don't sell it, if I let it go, it'll be in a trade for an EX10/D10 from JHanko (Fatty + $$$ for JHanko).

Unfortunately, even if someone would be willing to do this deal, I wouldn't have the $$$... :broke:
Re: WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 by kuku427 Or a Gotham

Lisa , maybe Scott have some Gothams on hand , i talked with him a couple of month's ago and he told me he has a few left.
Contact him and maybe he takes care of you.

Re: WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 by kuku427 Or a Gotham

What is Scott's username? I will contact him. Thank you,
Re: WTB: Ti Fatty EX10 by kuku427 Or a Gotham

Milky Spit...the main man with Leef who came up with the Gotham concept! Lisa...Oh...BTW...that's the EX10 JHanko! Let me know what Scott says...I want one too but you go first.
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