WTMake a Powerfull Hallogen flashlight


Newly Enlightened
Feb 22, 2006
Brest - France
Hello everyone.

For the begining, i apologize for my poor english which comme across the sea as my frenchy nickname.

I red many thread about bright and powerfull flashlight and now, i wanna make mine. I'm looking for a maximum of lumens, poor autonomy doesn't matter. A Mag body will be the best choice. For the bulb, i have no idea, only max lumens is important.

Have you some idea to help me in my project ? Thank's
Hello everyone.

For the begining, i apologize for my poor english which comme across the sea as my frenchy nickname.

I red many thread about bright and powerfull flashlight and now, i wanna make mine. I'm looking for a maximum of lumens, poor autonomy doesn't matter. A Mag body will be the best choice. For the bulb, i have no idea, only max lumens is important.

Have you some idea to help me in my project ? Thank's

Check this out:


I've read many thread about it, i'm lost in the jungle of bulb, drivers, body ...
I don't know what to buy to make this mod.
Many members offer custom body, custom battery holder ect... But which one choosing ?
I'm able to spend about 600 $ for it. On of my dream is to reach 10K Lumens but for it, having a 24v mod is compulsory and many problems will come like :
Which drive use ?
Which glass ?
Which body to store batteries ?
Which battery ?
Which bulb ? I was looking for the 64655 one.
Which reflector ?
Which switch ?

All these questions without answer.
I hope being in the right subforum.
Which drive use ?
Which glass ?
Which body to store batteries ?
Which battery ?
Which bulb ? I was looking for the 64655 one.
Which reflector ?
Which switch ?

Don't feel bad, these are all questions that you'll ask yourself over and over every time you invent a new flashlight. Usually when I'm thinking of a new flashlight, the battery and bulb will change at least 100 times before I put a drawing on paper. Welcome to Flashaholism, now try getting used to it hahaha.

Spend another month or so on the forum.... you'll get a better idea of what you want.