I'm looking for two Elzettas. Good to excellent condition preferred.
1. Elzetta Bravo AVS, high low switch and plain bezel.
2. Elzetta ZFL with high low switch, low profile bezel and preferably Malkoff's name on it. FOUND
3. Elzetta Charlie and Bravo body only.
I have an HDS 140 xpg High Cri to offer in a trade. It is listed for sale. TRADED
1. Elzetta Bravo AVS, high low switch and plain bezel.
2. Elzetta ZFL with high low switch, low profile bezel and preferably Malkoff's name on it. FOUND
3. Elzetta Charlie and Bravo body only.
I have an HDS 140 xpg High Cri to offer in a trade. It is listed for sale. TRADED
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