yeah so i kicked a chair yesterday night...


Apr 29, 2006
Central Florida, USA
I was up walking to the kitchen in the dark without my glasses [I'm a heavy nearsighted kinda guy]...after living for 10 years in the house you'd think I know were I'm going right? no....chipped half the nail on the toe and spent a good 4 hours of my sleep time being wide awake. but the incident gave me an enlightenment...

for some reason I have [and still have] trouble finding a switch in the house in the dark...and dad's always believed this was my reason having part of my flashlight stash here and there [:ohgeez:]. I bought enough tritium vials [:thanks: b@rt] to tape up all the switches I use most often in the I'm thinking of buying more trits to "paint" furniture....

on the curious side, does anyone use tritium vials in places OTHER THAN your flashlights?
I have almost broke my neck, foot, toe(nail), etc. so many times I started thinking the wife was trying to collect on my life insurance by rearranging furniture after I'd dozed off. Which is ironic since I have several flashlights in my dresser drawers, and a few others out on the dresser top right beside our bed. So after a fairly shallow and very painful personal "learning curve" I now ALWAYS use a light in the dark.:candle:

I have felt your pain (too many times) and can sympathize, but must remind you this is CandlepowerForum, and you have a RESPONSIBILITY to use a flashlight at every opportunity!

several nights I wake up and grabbing my pak-lite...LOW is TOO BRIGHT and HIGH is DOWNRIGHT UNBEARABLE for the first minute or eventually I gave up and walk without a light [I mean gee, in the comfort of my own home what could possibly hurt?:ohgeez:]
Illum, you need one of those LED nightlights with a built-in motion detector. They only light up when someone passes by. I believe I've seen them at Wal-Mart in the lightbulb / nightlight section.
Anything that can dim down to about 5 lumens does it for me. Anything brighter just makes you not want to use it, which of course results in the nail-breaking/toe-stubbing/ankle-twisting experiences.
LED night lights I have, photometer only, didn't know about the motion detector ones [I've always thought the previous discussions of "motion detector nights to be about the ones with photometers:ohgeez:]
Stubbing your toe really hurts doesn't it? I guess everybody is different but my ML1 on low doesn't bother me much in the night, I think it's 10 lumens or so.
several nights I wake up and grabbing my pak-lite...LOW is TOO BRIGHT and HIGH is DOWNRIGHT UNBEARABLE for the first minute or eventually I gave up and walk without a light [I mean gee, in the comfort of my own home what could possibly hurt?:ohgeez:]


I'm one of the lucky folks then.. I grab my U2 on level 6 in the middle of the night and go! Never stepped on anything because of that awesome X-bin beam :D
You my friend need a red light. Most of the time I'm fine with a light on low, but I do have those times when I'm coming out of a deeper sleep usually getting up for water and a low light still hurts. I've since started using my Photon Proton and the red hasn't bothered me yet, and has allowed me to see potential hazards... door, laundry basket, shoe, cat, cat hiding under clothes, 6D Mag, box of stuff I haven't put away... you get the picture.

I haven't taken to trits yet. I know I want them, but I haven't pounced.
I use GITD sheeting on every light switch. Just use a small craft punch to cut out a piece (round, square, star, whatever punch you get from the craft store) and put it right above the switch on the plate. Even the old GITD sheeting shows up well to night adapted eyes.

I keep a Proton on the nightstand and just use the red LED at night at it's lowest setting. Works great, and if I need more light, I just ramp the red up a bit.

Sorry about your toe! I know how that feels. OUCH!
GITD doesn't work very well unless theres sufficient lighting over a duration long enough to charge them up...hence why I went to trits as they are way more expensive than GITD sheeting and sticky tape:ohgeez:

not to mention with trits its low profile...I couldn't help but wonder what parents would say if I wrapped GITD sheets around the leg of every furniture in the house, must of whom are wood colored and its going to look a tad odd:candle:
Ouch! Been there, done that...too many times!:ohgeez:

I have an Inova Radiant AA that is perfect for walking around the house at night.

I retrofitted a few key wall light switches with the ones that keep the switch itself lit at all times. Pretty standard choice at many hardware stores.:thumbsup:
We have night lights in every room (LED, Of course) that provide enough light to distinguish shapes and generally orient ourselves. It's the orientation that is most important. I highly recommend the use of motion detectors in areas where night lights are not viable, such as hallways.

Here's my solution. Keep water and some other tools (a palm E2 for me) near you bed. Then don't get out of bed.

For everything else, there's my L1 with my choice of filters or diffusers. If I really don't want to see much light, I just do a ceiling bounce.

I've also got these LED+CR123 duct tape jobs. I'm guessing they put off about 3 lumens, and they last for about a month constant on. I use 5mm LED's that are laying around, and CR123s that can't push the high on my L1. They were great during the power outage last week.
I dug out my inova X1 [2ns gen], placed a piece of regular 3M tape on the bezel....voila! unlike the pak-lite there isn't much side spill to worry about because the LED is within a reflector

Haven't bought the nightlights though, but dug out the manual switched ones thats sitting on the shelf replaced the stock 7 watt lamps to 4 watt lamps and w00t
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I dug out my inova X1 [2ns gen], placed a piece of regular 3M tape on the bezel....voila! unlike the pak-lite there isn't much side spill to worry about because the LED is within a reflector

Haven't bought the nightlights though, but dug out the manual switched ones thats sitting on the shelf replaced the stock 7 watt lamps to 4 watt lamps and w00t

A flashaholic going for less brightness.... something just doesn't seem quite right about that. ;)