I was up walking to the kitchen in the dark without my glasses [I'm a heavy nearsighted kinda guy]...after living for 10 years in the house you'd think I know were I'm going right? no....chipped half the nail on the toe and spent a good 4 hours of my sleep time being wide awake. but the incident gave me an enlightenment...
for some reason I have [and still have] trouble finding a switch in the house in the dark...and dad's always believed this was my reason having part of my flashlight stash here and there [
]. I bought enough tritium vials [:thanks: b@rt] to tape up all the switches I use most often in the I'm thinking of buying more trits to "paint" furniture....
on the curious side, does anyone use tritium vials in places OTHER THAN your flashlights?
for some reason I have [and still have] trouble finding a switch in the house in the dark...and dad's always believed this was my reason having part of my flashlight stash here and there [

on the curious side, does anyone use tritium vials in places OTHER THAN your flashlights?