Zombies: Which to use?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 7, 2007
In cases of zombies outbreaks (theoretical), which LED light would you have?

Also, what's the best zombie flick? (nothing black and white please)
Gotta be an incan. Because, you know, the color rendition of an LED just isn't good enough to tell the state of decomposition. That's really important to know.

Return of the Living Dead! BRAINS!
Depends on which class the outbreak is in. Class one, I'd probaby grab whatever I have and get to the exterminating. Class four, I'd want something with common batteries and a good long runtime. Keep in mind that in the event of a class four outbreak, most power supplies will be down, so ambient light is likely to be significantly reduced.
Zombies generally lurch at fire, right?? I guess an incandescent is the way to go - Maybe Mac could make "The Zombie Torch" to take care of this??
oooo, excellent question!

As someone mentioned before good colour rendition is quite important. If the light is too blue you might not see the different between a fresh zombie and a living person.

Batteries, well anything goes really. Would probably have to make a gaffer-tape-conversion anyhow to get loads of runtime and ability to run on anything from a car battery to a bunch of AA.

A headlamp and/or shoulder mounted light might be a good idea, leaving both hands free for use of any kind of weapon you could get hold of.

Still, best bet is probably to maintain a very tight light diciplin, hide on the second floor and knock down the stairway. :grin2:

As for best zombie flick... hmmm... I'd like to recommend the japanese movie Tokyo Zombie, a very charming movie. Also there is a really good recent movie called Fido which also is quite charming. More classic zombie genre you will never go wrong with the original Romero trilogy. But stay away from the remakes! (ok Night of the dead is B&W, but it is a classic!). Oh and yeah Return of the Living Dead 1&2 are really funny!

(yes I am a fan of zombie movies if you didn't happen to notice ;))
I'd have to go with a Princeton Tec Surge for zombies. A Surefire G2 with DX 1447 drop in and an A2 too. You can't have too many flashlights with zombies out there.

Yes, it's B&W but you have to see the original Night of the Living Dead. For color, Omega Man made me start planning to light things up.
My original Tiros Inova X0 and Inova X5, I want the runtime, Zombies are like energizer bunnies they just keep coming so I will need a light for along time.

Sorry, but the best is the original, Night of the living Dead in B&W. Rather like Psycho, it leaves so much to the imagination and it is plain scary because of it. All the others may be interesting and fun, but they just use gore shock value.

Of the color ones I like the Resident Evil films, kinda fun lots of action no brainer stuff.
Five stars for imaginative thread title. I was wondering what you were going to use the zombie for.
6P with Mosberg atached... yep

Best zomby flick, umm dont know if this counts or not but Serenity (there are kind of zomby like things "revers" in it)
I'm with the A2 Aviator. You can keep yourself a bit hidden with the LEDs and if you really want to see what's going on, you have the Incan level too.

What type zombies do you prefer?

Slow - Shaun of the Dead, Day of the Dead (new version), Resident Evil (and 2)
Fast - 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks later.

I like George Ramero stuff :)
Any tatical light... that can be attached in a .12 shotgun!

And I prefer slow zombies! The classic ones!
would you use the weapon or have the light as weapon?

guns will eventually need reloade

but machete not

any more tips for it?
The light I would use is the muzzle flash of 12ga firing 00 buck. Methinks you watch to much Resident Evil.....
I'm with the A2 Aviator. You can keep yourself a bit hidden with the LEDs and if you really want to see what's going on, you have the Incan level too.

What type zombies do you prefer?

Slow - Shaun of the Dead, Day of the Dead (new version), Resident Evil (and 2)
Fast - 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks later.

Maybe also a 6D or 6C mag to plummel those zombies with as well

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