
Sep 8, 2008
I just picked up my first HDS light at the post office. It was the last Exectutive 120 that unique titanium had in stock.

I couldn't take it anymore. All of the ranting and raving over the HDS was more than I could stand. I resisted for as long as I could. I am already getting to see what all of the fuss was about. I don't have to worry about this leading to wanting more, do I?

I have it programmed to my liking (for now). It was not as bad as I expected.

It is definatley a keeper. I only wish it would tailstand a little better. I tried bleeding the air out of the tailcap, but it is still a little wobbly.

I did however have some questions that don't merit bothering Henry for the answers so I figured I would give you a shot first.

In the manual it has a chart which lists the levels and the lumens for each level. It has charts for the 170 lumen model and the 140 lumen model. Does anyone have the correct chart for the 120 lumen model?

The holes for the clip appear to be spaced at greater than 90 degrees. Is there a bezel up clip available for this spacing?

Where should I look?
