Who are some good YouTube torch/charger reviewers?


Jun 24, 2015
I've done a lot of research in the past several weeks on lights, but good YouTube reviews/reviewers are hard to come by. Selfbuilt is first and foremost to me because he knows what he's doing and posts very detailed reviews. Beyond that, there's not much else it seems, at least that I can find. I subscribe to a lot of firearms based channels, but I won't watch their torch reviews because a lot of them are just shills for the companies sending them free stuff, and they read specs off a sheet, then shine it in their yard comparing it always with a light with half the output, not really knowing what they're talking about except "omg dude it's so bright!" and "I love (company) because they send me free stuff and hate (competitor) because they don't."

So is there anyone else that you think puts out good, detailed, unbiased reviews?