Violet-emitting laser pointers now commercial.

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Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
I just received the latest Think Geek catalogue, and on page 15 is a violet-emitting laser pointer beiong sold for just under $150.00.

This link has it.

Apparently, it is larger in diameter than the photographs on the website and the one in the catalogue depict; it is advertised to require two CR2 cells for power. According to the website, the size is 5.9" long by 0.625" in diameter.
But the violet laser pointer has landed (beyond the Sonar series being sold by Wicked Lasers). :thumbsup: :party: :thumbsup:
Very cool, although it uses those CR2 batteries. I think the average user is going to be disappointed by this when they need to replace them.
Why would you want a laser that shoots flowers??

Thank you... I'll be here all week. Try the veal. Good night.
Given that violet is at the high end of the visible light spectrum, violet light photons are the most energetic.

I'm wondering if these pointers are significantly more dangerous as a consequence. I worry about laser pointers since it's possible to accidentally shine them in your eyes via reflections from mirrors, shiny surfaces, glass, chrome etc.

Just wondering.... :duck:
I've actually ordered two - a 5mw and a 100mw. I'll report back when they arrive...
this is like, the 5th time that I've seen that there are new posts in this thread. Stop getting my hopes up!!:duh2:
I got the <5mW from ThinkGeek, and it is not a very good unit. First, it feels flimsy. Then, the beam is not that well focussed, it has a halo of some sort and a rather bif speckled spot. Also, it is not bright. dimmer than a standard red.

Well, not worth it to me. Cool color, but useless pointer for presentations.

You rip it apart yet? :popcorn:

if you don't, that's totally fine. My only green I got too curious (only a week after I got it!) and managed to misalign the crystal. Never could get it right again...
I got the <5mW from ThinkGeek, and it is not a very good unit. First, it feels flimsy. Then, the beam is not that well focussed, it has a halo of some sort and a rather bif speckled spot. Also, it is not bright. dimmer than a standard red.

Well, not worth it to me. Cool color, but useless pointer for presentations.


Personally I don't think anything less than 100mW of 405 is worth having; just not visible enough. Even 445nm is a bit dim under 100mW. I wish there was some way to bring the 445nm diode prices down.

Definatly looking forward to a review from the "review master". :candle: I am interested to see the comparson between a DIY model and a "retail" model.
Unfortunately I use them lasers for presentations, so anything more than 5mW is not possible. So the 405 is out :green:
What you need is a nice lil 3mW 594nm pointer.
They tend to be a bit on the expensive side, although someone could probably fake one for you with a 1mW green and 3mW red...
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