Hair in your food!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2004
3rd Stone
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

Someone is bound to say it so I'll be first -- looks just like an ex-girlfriend.


Mar 28, 2009
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

1) remove the hair and continue eating

Screws and industrial staples? Then there would be an issue.
Most everything I eat is a dead thing so I'm not disturbed by a hair.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2009
Pulaski, Va.
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

Not too long back the wife and I had this happen at our favorite small Italian restaurant. We know the owner (as well as most of the staff) and when we found the hair we called our waitress over and showed the hair to her and then asked this simple question with a straight face..........."Do we have to pay extra for this?" She had this terrible look of worry on her face until we let her off the hook and she realized we were just having some fun at her expense.

It's just hair. Have you ever stopped to notice (at least the people I'm around) that the Germaphobes are usually the ones getting sick. I rarely get sick, I believe in hygiene but I also believe there is "too clean" EXAMPLE: A friend of mine washes her hands and uses hand sanitizer an un-exaggerated 12-20 times a day, she also has either a cold, sniffles, Doctors appointment or something wrong at least twice a month! Same goes for her son, makes him wash his hands constantly/stays sick.

These are just my personal experiences and I'm not intending to offend anyone.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2004
3rd Stone
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

As has been said before...

If kitchen staff are violating hat/hairnet regulations, what other health rules are they breaking?

So, it's too much work to use a hat or a hairnet? Really? Then is it too much bother to use hot, soapy water to wash hands and dishes?

If it's too much work for people to prepare food safely then they don't give a crap about customers (or maybe they do but not in the way you want to think about).

In the many years I've worked with food I've tried to get more people interested in food safety. I hear a lot of people saying it's no worry for them. I ask those people how many cases of the "stomach flu" they get a year and it's usually 4 or 5 times. Guess what? It ain't the "flu," it's food poisoning.

There was a reason the waitress was upset and it wasn't just 'cause you know the owner. Hair in food shows that the kitchen staff doesn't care about the food or the customers. It's almost always a symptom of worse things. The hair itself might not be a big deal but again, what else is going on?


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

Same goes for her son,

Well there's your problem; before my kids went to school, I would get sick roughly once every two years. Now it's about once every two months.

Also, Americans seem hell bent on killing themselves with food. I'm not sure proper food handling and preparation matters a whole lot to a country that is fascinated with the latest deep-fried mostly-edible objects and expansive fast food portions. Tobacco only kills ~100,000 yearly versus the ~600,000 lost to heart disease.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2004
3rd Stone
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

Yep, that's very true but it's a whole 'nuther topic.

After many years of working with food I've heard all the excusues, stories, and other utterly false crap people believe about food safety.

Sounds a lot like the "I'm just gonna fail the math test anyway so why study for it?" crap you hear from an eight year old child.

Like "the textbook must be wrong, not me," or the kid who'll argue for an hour and a half about doing ten minutes worth of essay writing. In reality it adds about five to ten minutes to your entire week to practice good food safety.

So look at it this way -- yes, your kids get exposed to germs at school. Do you keep them out of school, get rid ot the kids (Hmmmm... let me think about that one), or take a minute or two to teach them to wash their hands and make sure they do it all the time?

Do you send back something with hair in it or do you learn to like eating dirt? I guess people just won't stand up for themselves any longer.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 21, 2012
Got some short and curlies in the bottom of my bowl of chips at a Mexican place about four years ago, haven't been back since


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2009
Pulaski, Va.
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

Well there's your problem; before my kids went to school, I would get sick roughly once every two years. Now it's about once every two months.

Also, Americans seem hell bent on killing themselves with food. I'm not sure proper food handling and preparation matters a whole lot to a country that is fascinated with the latest deep-fried mostly-edible objects and expansive fast food portions. Tobacco only kills ~100,000 yearly versus the ~600,000 lost to heart disease.

I have two kids myself,12 and 9. True that kids are exposed to more germs but I personally don't get sick when they bring it home from school. I think exposing yourself to minor things helps keep your body's defenses (immune system)in proper working order.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2004
3rd Stone
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

With minor, common viruses perhaps but not with food poisoning or nasty diseases.

Things like cold viruses work so well because they mutate so often. The simple variations can ge passed along easily. "It's just a cold" shows how little we pay attention to them.

But you do not build up immunities to many other toxins or bacterium. Some of those are just plain nasty.

Most of all of that can be avoided simply by washing hands often and well, by not sharing food or utensils, and by practicing simple health safety tips.

Like I've said before, if the staff cannot be trusted to wear a hat or a hairnet then what else are they screwing up?
- Sneezing into food or into their hands and then handling your food?
- Not washing their hands after using the toilet?
- Not washing their hands after picking their nose or a pimple?

Now that's Good Eatin'!! Yummy!

Naw, it's OK to get upset if there's a hair in your food just because it's probably a sign of other things you can't (and don't want to) see.


Mar 28, 2009
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

With so many people in the world going hungry every day and literally ingesting dirt with what little food they can get, it seems ridiculous to send back a plate of food to go in the trash for an errant hair.
Perhaps there could be a Howard Hughes Cafe that caters to mysophobes?


Sep 2, 2006
South Alabama
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

Once after I finished a drink at a fast food place, I snapped off the lid to get at the ice and found a roach leg. Of course we were on the road and the restaurant was 50 miles back.


Aug 27, 2006
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

With so many people in the world going hungry every day and literally ingesting dirt with what little food they can get, it seems ridiculous to send back a plate of food to go in the trash for an errant hair.
Perhaps there could be a Howard Hughes Cafe that caters to mysophobes?

So because there are nations around the world being run by individuals who couldn't give a rat's backside about helping their own people . . . The rest of us should put with filthy eating conditions?

If we do, those people will still be starving. Mom never got me to finish my plate by pointing out there are children starving in certain parts of the world. She knew and I knew that they'd still be starving whether or not my plate is empty. I've donated food, and plenty of it, at Food Drives. I've actually done something to help feed those who otherwise would go hungry. I think that entitles me to a plate of food that isn't hair and possibly lice infested.


Mar 28, 2009
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

Monochrom, you are certainly entitled to your opinion and your decision to eat whatever food you wish, I was not suggesting that "The rest of us should put with filthy eating conditions?" or as was suggested earlier: "learn to like eating dirt?"
I was stating how I feel about the issue and suggesting a potentially lucrative business idea. HH Cafe might not go over in small-town USA but there is definitely a customer base in the larger cities.

Speaking of hair in your food, it reminds me of a documentary we watched recently where these kids in Venezuela would go out to catch a snack, Tarantulas. They would catch them and then roast them over a fire, afterwards they would carefully brush off the hairs because they would make you itch if they got on your skin.

Just remember folks, it's all just dead plants and animals. (or Tarantulas if you're a hungry kid in Venezuela!)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2004
3rd Stone
I've eaten a lot of "different" foods and under a lot of difficult conditions.

And yes, there are places on earth where people are hungry. Some of those places are a lot closer by to where we all live than we'd like to admit.

Despite all that I still don't think anyone should be eating food that's prepared or served in unhealthy conditions as long as they can avoid it.

It is not a matter of what you have to eat so much as this is a matter of how food is prepared and served. Almost anyone can have the ability to keep things reasonably clean -- of course there are going to be exceptions. Doing that won't stop hunger but it will help keep people who already have trouble with disease and illness from having to deal with other problems on top of that.

Also, that is not quite the same situation we're talking about in this thread.

The point some folks are trying to make is like asking, "What if Napolean had B-52's at Waterloo?" (Probably would have made for a neat concert -- I've seen that group before. Oh, they meant the bombers! Now I get it.).


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

This happened to me a couple times. It usually happened when I was starving and I always do take out, so by the time I found it I was already home. Hair from the head is one thing, but pubic hair completely crosses the line. That happened to me once and I was so grossed out I stopped eating. My friend ordered a burrito and he thought he saw an eyelash. He began pulling on it and thought that's one big eyelash! Turned out to be a pubic hair. Bon appetit.

Despite all that I still don't think anyone should be eating food that's prepared or served in unhealthy conditions as long as they can avoid it.

It is not a matter of what you have to eat so much as this is a matter of how food is prepared and served. Almost anyone can have the ability to keep things reasonably clean -- of course there are going to be exceptions. Doing that won't stop hunger but it will help keep people who already have trouble with disease and illness from having to deal with other problems on top of that.

Last edited:


Newly Enlightened
Jan 2, 2009
Re: What would you do in this scenario at a restaurant?

^^ Could have been a mexican (burrito?) with curly black hair too. Just saying.

Prepare your own food or go to places you know are clean. A hair won't hurt you. But other things could.

What I can't stand is when they take / handle your (and everyone before you) money, run their hand through their hair and grab your sandwich or hot dog to serve it to you.

But I'll eat it anyways. :/


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Reiterating: The hair may not harm you as much as the food -



Aug 27, 2006
Reiterating: The hair may not harm you as much as the food -


Calcium 90% percent . . . Screw Milk, I'd rather have that! Didn't even know Baskin Robbins had that Heavenly-looking thing available. Thanks S.H.

I'm going to stop by B.R. and get me one of those. :drool::drool::drool:

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