HDS Systems #23


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Here I will expand. We have never done an 18350 in special metal. I've tried to get Henry to do it. I have the bruises to prove it. The problem lies in that the signal wire going from the tail to the head has to be insulated on these and there is no HA to insulate it. This is can be problematic. While most folks might think we just run any old wire up to the electronics, that isn't so. It is a custom made wire. When we do the other special metal runs, we can insulate it, but it is protected in the hole that is drilled in the 123 tube. This isn't the case with the 1800 tubes where it is a channel where that signal wire is epoxied in. It is VERY time consuming and Henry is the only doing it. I have rum to drink so I'm too busy. He has dug in his heels on this every time I bring it up.
When the new light comes out in 2074 or thereabouts, it will be standard with an 18350 tube as the total diameter will be slightly bigger to accommodate this. Then it won't be an issue for special metal runs... provided the planet is still spinning around that large unshielded runaway nuclear explosion in the sky.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
There will be 5 new emitters offered in the special metal lights.
I find it interesting as I read somewhere else on the web recently that someone had stated they didn't like any of the admitters HDS has ever offered… Which kind of boggles my mind a bit as I don't know any other company that has offered so much variety in emitter selection. I tend to think that person was simply not paying attention or has very unrealistic ideas.
Any guesses as to how many different emitters HDS has offered over the years?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2021
There will be 5 new emitters offered in the special metal lights.
I find it interesting as I read somewhere else on the web recently that someone had stated they didn't like any of the admitters HDS has ever offered…

Maybe that someone meant recently. To be fair, HDS doesn't respond to today's emitter market as quickly as others. Even now, it reads as if those 5 new emitters will only be offered in the special metal lights. Those same new emitters are most likely already offered by other custom makers in all of their lights.

This morning in a regular white LED I only have a choice between: XP-G 6200/5000k, XP-L 6200k, LH351D 5000k
That list won't excite some people.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 17, 2009
In the middle of Europe
Any guesses as to how many different emitters HDS has offered over the years?
I can not give a number of all LEDs that HDS was ever building in the Lights. In the last ~5 years my guess is ~25 different LEDs. I remember the different Colors of 219B/219C, Amber, Blue, Red, Green, the Samsung LEDs, ... For me a lot options and a wide range of color temperatures.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
We aren't a custom maker. While you have options on the custom page, we are not a custom shop. The reason we don't respond as quickly as it isn't as easy as it is for custom makers to get them into their lights... just try swapping one in an HDS... while some can do it, you should see the "dead pile" I have of peoples failures. I should post a photo of that pile.
One has to pay attention if there is a specific emitter one wants. We get them in in limited quantities, sell them, and it usually takes awhile to sell out. While today the choice is small, a few weeks ago every flavor of 219b was offered. You snooze, you lose, unless we decide to get more in.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Post the "failed modders" pic Dan, pls. :D
Not all are from folks modding the HDS but more than a fair share are.
I would absolutely encourage doing emitter swaps in the HDS... we like to sell just the head.
Edit: We're going to need a bigger cigar box!


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