Corona Virus... the second wave

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Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I don't think that the Red has any value other than to be an indicator light for the operator.

The clinical trial is scheduled to end mid January. I'd be interested to know the results. Unless things have changed in the last ten years, I don't think that the LLLT gets deep enough to affect the lungs. Maybe 2-3 CM, but not that deep.

I had a friend with bed sores, and thought that perhaps LLLT would be helpful. I don't recall exactly what the research said, but I was discouraged by it.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
850nm = 353 terahertz.

As I understand things (which isn't often!), the shorter the wavelength the less it penetrates. UVB can penetrate the skin enough to cause tanning and sunburn, but far UVC (in the range of eximer lamps) won't penetrate beyond the outermost layer of dead skin and can't penetrate the cornea.

Conversely I would guess that longer IR wavelengths (far IR) would penetrate deeper than shorter ones. At far IR though you get into thermal conductivity questions and things get murkier.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
California is starting a partial lockdown/ curfew in the purple tier areas (nearly all the state) from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. for nonessential businesses and gatherings for a month starting November 21. I'm pretty sure a judge banned Gavin Newsom from issuing executive orders and everyone is avoiding enforcing the current ones as they were ruled unconstitutional and nobody wants to get sued for illegally bankrupting businesses. Just to be on the safe side, we will not be celebrating Thanksgiving this year as it is limited to 10 people. Instead, we will be holding a funeral service for our dear pet turkey. The deceased will be cremated in the oven at 350 degrees F. Funerals are allowed up to 20 people. If more than 20 people show up, it will be a protest with masks optional (Just watch the news. Protests without masks never caused co-vid spikes.)


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
California is starting a partial lockdown/ curfew in the purple tier areas (nearly all the state) from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. for nonessential businesses and gatherings for a month starting November 21. I'm pretty sure a judge banned Gavin Newsom from issuing executive orders and everyone is avoiding enforcing the current ones as they were ruled unconstitutional and nobody wants to get sued for illegally bankrupting businesses. Just to be on the safe side, we will not be celebrating Thanksgiving this year as it is limited to 10 people. Instead, we will be holding a funeral service for our dear pet turkey. The deceased will be cremated in the oven at 350 degrees F. Funerals are allowed up to 20 people. If more than 20 people show up, it will be a protest with masks optional (Just watch the news. Protests without masks never caused co-vid spikes.)
Whether governors decrees are constitutional or not can always be challenged in the courts, and we now have the most conservative Supreme Court in many years. On the other hand, IMO it is important to follow the science. Wear a mask, and keep your distance. If indoors, keep a greater instance. It is most important that there is a change of air calculated by cubic feet per minute, managed by the number of people in a particulate area.

I am happy to report that the line, to get Free Covid19 tests, was about 1000 feet long today (distancing 6 feet apart) at one of our County's test sites, today. I suppose that is due to the media, relying on medical professionals, suggesting that it would be NOT be appropriate to be going to Thanksgiving dinner with Grand Ma, without getting tested first.


Jan 5, 2017
Upstate NY
California is starting a partial lockdown/ curfew in the purple tier areas (nearly all the state) from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. for nonessential businesses and gatherings for a month starting November 21. I'm pretty sure a judge banned Gavin Newsom from issuing executive orders and everyone is avoiding enforcing the current ones as they were ruled unconstitutional and nobody wants to get sued for illegally bankrupting businesses. Just to be on the safe side, we will not be celebrating Thanksgiving this year as it is limited to 10 people. Instead, we will be holding a funeral service for our dear pet turkey. The deceased will be cremated in the oven at 350 degrees F. Funerals are allowed up to 20 people. If more than 20 people show up, it will be a protest with masks optional (Just watch the news. Protests without masks never caused co-vid spikes.)

LOL! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Great ideas here!


Oct 31, 2007
Willamette Valley, OR
An off-topic / political post has been deleted;

  • mail in ballot voting
  • injunctions
  • governor executive orders
  • CA state legislature
  • court rulings
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Thank you,
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Jun 23, 2003
central time
A little something to think about...

I'm continually tracking/projecting numbers on this thing. I mainly focus on my state (MS), but also dabble in the entire US. I've been saying 'things are about to get bad' for a few weeks now due to increasing numbers, cooler temps, and 3 MAJOR holidays coming up (t'giving through new year).

After what I saw in the numbers just now I'm even more concerned. MS should equal the july/august spike numbers in less than a week. Hospitals are already overflowing.

But here's the thing. Our day to day percent increase is 1/3 of the july/aug spike. Clearly if we get back to that rate then we are in a world of hurt. The more subtle takeaway is that mitigation tools have to be even more effective than back then just to 'hold the line'. And we have 3 holidays approaching...

As a family, we have cancelled Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. So whatever you were doing we have to keep doing and then even more also.

In short, daily growth numbers are driven exponentially but they are running up against a linear healthcare system and a declining mitigation.
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Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
I postponed a dental appointment today because of the spike. Maybe I'm being overcautious but I'd rather not err on the wrong side of contagion.


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
I postponed a dental appointment today because of the spike. Maybe I'm being overcautious but I'd rather not err on the wrong side of contagion.
Same here. I had three fillings on my top teeth which decided to come loose earlier this year. First I filled them with the stuff you buy at the local drug store but it only lasted maybe a week. Then I bought composite filling on eBay. Now the fillings last at least a month, often more. That will tide things over until a vaccine lets us get back to normal. Maybe in late 2021 or early 2022 I'll finally feel safe going to the dentist.


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
After what I saw in the numbers just now I'm even more concerned. MS should equal the july/august spike numbers in less than a week. Hospitals are already overflowing.

But here's the thing. Our day to day percent increase is 1/3 of the july/aug spike. Clearly if we get back to that rate then we are in a world of hurt. The more subtle takeaway is that mitigation tools have to be even more effective than back then just to 'hold the line'. And we have 3 holidays approaching...

As a family, we have cancelled Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. So whatever you were doing we have to keep doing and then even more also.

In short, daily growth numbers are driven exponentially but they are running up against a linear healthcare system and a declining mitigation.
One thing we have to keep in mind is deaths lag new cases by several weeks. We're already up to 2,000 deaths per day but the new case numbers are something like twice what they were a few weeks ago. Now here's the scary part. As you mentioned, hospitals are starting to overflow in many parts of the country. Once we get into triage situations, the death rates are 5x to 10x what they would be otherwise. I seriously think we might be looking at 10K to 20K deaths per day within a few weeks. I hope not, but if it happens it wouldn't totally surprise me. Also remember it looks like much of the country will be hit as hard or harder than NYC was, and we lost about 0.3% of our population to this back in March and April. Nationally that puts us at 1 million+ deaths if those numbers hold for the entire country.

I honestly don't understand why so many in this country still seem hellbent on celebrating the holidays despite the obvious danger. Now that we have a vaccine there's a light at the end of the tunnel within 6 months to a year. Is it so hard to just give up the holidays for one lousy year, and save thousands of lives in the process? I just don't get. My siblings seemed hurt when I told them no holidays this year. I'd rather we do that than one or more of us are not around to celebrate future holidays. Like I said, I just don't understand the calculus people are making thinking it's a good idea to celebrate the holidays as usual. The holidays come around every year. Death is forever.
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Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Now that we have a vaccine there's a light at the end of the tunnel within 6 months to a year. Is it so hard to just give up the holidays for one lousy year, and save thousands of lives in the process?

This x1000% jtr. It's the right thing to do. And our duty is much easier than that of the front line workers who put their lives on the line every day for us.


Jun 23, 2003
central time

I've got one particular client that has about 500 people w/ very little masking in close contact with one another. Can't wait till it hits them...


Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Whether governors decrees are constitutional or not can always be challenged in the courts, and we now have the most conservative Supreme Court in many years.

They were. He lost. Under the California Emergency Services Act, Government Code Title 2 Division 1 Chapter 7 Section 8627.5.(b), the governor is limited to 60 days for these lockdowns in regards to restaurants, schools, etc. He didn't go to get them extended by the legislature and instead unilaterally kept renewing them illegally. In the case Gallagher and Kiley v. Newsom, the judge ruled all of Newsom's recent executive orders unconstitutional and banned him from issuing any more that change the law which he needs the legislature to do. He is at it again with a 30 day partial lockdown starting tomorrow.


Jan 19, 2003
Bellingham WA
Hello Poppy,

On the contrary... Red has been used for years in the burn wards to promote skin healing.

I have experience with near infrared/red combination and in the few cases I have been involved with it promotes healing in the lungs, as well as bone marrow, as well as the brain. The current units available seem to be able to penetrate enough to do the job.

10 years ago I don't think the equipment or the knowledge of how to use this technology was well developed. There is some "art" associated with using this technology. Cuts, scrapes, bruses, and rashes have all responded well in my experience but I have no experience with bed soars.



Jan 19, 2003
Bellingham WA
Hello Turbodog,

It is my understanding that units can be found in most hospital physical therapy wards and burn wards, many veterinarian offices, and many chiropractic offices. In addition some dental offices use this therapy.

In addition many home units are available.



Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
The radio said pfeizer is going to ask the fda TODAY to allow use of their vaccine and say by Christmas 50 million doses will have been distributed. The spokesman said they have 20 million ready now and it'll take about 2 weeks to get those out. Theirs is the one that has to be kept super cold and takes a booster to be completely effective.

There's another one on the cusp of being ready that can be stored in regular freezers.

And if what I heard is true the vaccine will have no out of pocket cost to the recipient. So the US is close to having the pandemic slowed or halted but I wonder about the other 6+ billion people on planet earth.
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