Coronavirus - II

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2005
Outside the Matrix
BREAKING: Researchers claim 100 percent cure rate of Covid-19 in 100+ patient trial conducted in Ecuador, using intravenous chlorine dioxide (MMS) - Jim Humble's very same MMS and while they gave it intravenously if you take it every hour per Humble's protocols I believe you will have the same results. Article here:

If you have heard negative things about Chlorine Dioxide (because of propaganda by Big Pharma since it could cause them to lose big $$ as it will CURE so many things and it is so cheap) before you make judgement please visit this web page which explains it all very well:

I've used it to cure a case of Lyme disease - tastes terrible but works great


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 17, 2009
In the middle of Europe
At all good to see things are moving into the right direction with corona. But one point must be clear to everyone. It is not over at all. :( There are still countries that have it not under control. The corona infections in Brazil are rising, Russia still has a high daily infection rate. UK may be on the right way,USA also since the daily infection rate is slightly lower from day to day.

Also interesting to compare the curve form of the, lets say "top 10 countries" of the Johns Hopkins map ( Than I am pretty sure it is definitely not over at all. Everyone can make their own thoughts about the numbers in the own country. If there is still only a low falling infection rate and you go back to normal than it is starting again....

My guess it that here and there a 2nd wave will also come in a few month when everyone things all is good. Life will be for all of us different for the next coming 12-15 month until a vaxine is available and everyone is able to get it.
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Newly Enlightened
Sep 24, 2016
Bangkok Thailand
Thailand COVID-19 All ok- all mall open but social distancing and , All citizen we safe alway ,
Friend in USA , He want to go back to thailand


Jan 5, 2017
Upstate NY
I don't own a mask. Neither does Honey. We haven't worn one once since this whole mess started. In our city of 55,000 permanent residents, we currently have 52 confirmed cases in two and a half months - four deaths. Closest town to us is 40 miles away.

Today we got the results back from Honey's test last Tuesday - "Not detected". :party: - We immediately started getting ready to go to the cigar bar. When we got there is was like Norm walking into Cheers - so awesome!! :D - Yes, I hugged a couple of people who are very dear to me and I haven't seen in 7 weeks. No one wore masks. We played three games of poker. We bet on whether the next customer in the bar would be a male or female. We bet on whether the next customer would have shoelaces or not. We bet on what color the next customer's underwear was. And I had my favorite vodka... Absolut Elyx. All is right with the world again. Honey goes back to work tomorrow. I will finally sleep well tonight... :tired::sleepy:

Happy news! Made my day...!


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I read the article. Sounds like he's parroting Trump. So we disregard or trivialize the virus, or any virus, because people were going to die early anyway? WTH man?

There's a rather large coronavirus death gap that's being missed.

For the love of Pete, if Trump says drink plenty of water some would say "he says go drown yourself". Nobody is trivializing or discounting the veracity of covid 19 in the article. What the man is getting at is covid 19 is moving the expiration date of a whole lot of people forward. A lot of people's who's expiration date was not that far off. Like when my pop died. If he had covid 19 the day he died his death would probably be listed at covid 19. But since a head cold is not considered fatal his certificate said heart failure. He caught a cold. The post nasal drip led to pnuemonia. Pnuemonia caused a lack of oxygen, which led to his already weakened heart to shut down. Same thing happens to a lot of the folks being taken out by the effects of covid 19.

I think the article says just how scarey this thing is. There were people who had absolutely nothing wrong with them that this thing killed. So no, nobody is trivializing it in the article. The virus is actually being trivialized by stating it is wiping out way more people than it really is to promote shock and fear. When in fact it can and has only accelarated the demise of unhealthy people who's numbers are being used for sensationalizing a novel virus that is nowhere near as deadly as claimed. Again that hides the truth that potentially nobody is really unaffected.

The super promotion of all those dead folks has a few generations of people walking around thinking "eh, it's just killing sick old people why should I care"…… By thinking that way it can cause people to drop their guard and you end up with a bunch of healthy people dieing too if it is as bad as some scientists say it is. Like causing menangitous, and all kinds of dreadful things being bantered around.

It's so said to see how the name of a politician being mentioned from one side or the other side of the political spectrum can trigger an emotional response that causes folks to instantly misunderstand the facts of a given article. If you remove the "Trump said" out of the story it takes on a whole new meaning. But, see the typical modern press (again on either side) slid that "Trump said" in to trigger a response. For some "orange man bad", for others "it has to be true"……

It is a known fact that death counts by covid 19 are blown way out of proportion. That has the potential to trivialize just how deadly it might be given enough time. Flattening the curve only prolongs the time it takes to spread from host to host. Time for it to potentially do like the Spanish flu did. It bagan as a virus that killed the young. After a time it took out middle aged folks, then eventually the elderly. Autopsies have revealled it may have mutated into 3 distinct strains in a 2-3 year period. And to this day it still roams planet earth from host to host. At times it mutates into a strain we do not have herd immunity to and takes out 10's of thousands all over again. And thanks to some knucklehead in some lab somewhere we now have a novel virus that may do the same thing over the next century or more.
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Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I don't own a mask. Neither does Honey. We haven't worn one once since this whole mess started. In our city of 55,000 permanent residents, we currently have 52 confirmed cases in two and a half months - four deaths. Closest town to us is 40 miles away.

Today we got the results back from Honey's test last Tuesday - "Not detected". :party: - We immediately started getting ready to go to the cigar bar. When we got there is was like Norm walking into Cheers - so awesome!! :D - Yes, I hugged a couple of people who are very dear to me and I haven't seen in 7 weeks. No one wore masks. We played three games of poker. We bet on whether the next customer in the bar would be a male or female. We bet on whether the next customer would have shoelaces or not. We bet on what color the next customer's underwear was. And I had my favorite vodka... Absolut Elyx. All is right with the world again. Honey goes back to work tomorrow. I will finally sleep well tonight... :tired::sleepy:
Great news!!! :thumbsup:

Its amazing how different our realities can be.
In my town, we have a similar population of about 55,000, with a 2.3% of the population tested positive in the last two months. That's one person in each 43 people. Fortunately most of those people have resolved.
We leveled off April 10, 2020 to 10-30 new positives a day, (yesterday an additional 22) bringing our current total positives to 1248 since March 18 (2 months ago).

Here's to wishing I was living in your reality at this time.

Sleep well, my friend.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.

Shelter Sweets :)


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Jun 23, 2003
central time
...if Trump says drink plenty of water some would say "he says go drown yourself"...

...It is a known fact that death counts by covid 19 are blown way out of proportion...

I read the article, actually read it. "Parroting Trump" are the article's words. Trump's factual accuracy is abysmal, so that's a strike against ANYONE that repeats anything he says, writes, or tweets.

That's a strong assertion. Got any facts to back it up?

I included a link showing that covid deaths are UNDER attributed, and you can find many more.


Apr 8, 2002
Hey everyone - let's back off the politics and bashing of ANY political figures. Not productive - very subjective.

Thanks much! Enjoy your day wherever you are and whatever you're doing. If you're reading this, you're alive - that's a good thing! :D


Oct 1, 2004
I don't own a mask. Neither does Honey. We haven't worn one once since this whole mess started. In our city of 55,000 permanent residents, we currently have 52 confirmed cases in two and a half months - four deaths. Closest town to us is 40 miles away.

Today we got the results back from Honey's test last Tuesday - "Not detected". :party: - We immediately started getting ready to go to the cigar bar. When we got there is was like Norm walking into Cheers - so awesome!! :D - Yes, I hugged a couple of people who are very dear to me and I haven't seen in 7 weeks. No one wore masks. We played three games of poker. We bet on whether the next customer in the bar would be a male or female. We bet on whether the next customer would have shoelaces or not. We bet on what color the next customer's underwear was. And I had my favorite vodka... Absolut Elyx. All is right with the world again. Honey goes back to work tomorrow. I will finally sleep well tonight... :tired::sleepy:
That is nice, not only does he not have it but it somewhat proves to others that he is safe to be around and you are pretty much safe also. I am another one of those selfish evil hateful uncaring (insert more disparaging words here) persons that don't wear a mask. I figure if my body cannot fight it off when introduced to it I don't want to hide from it and hope that I never get it. My immune system seems to be rather resilient having not had the flu of any type since the late 80s so chances are my body already bounced it out of me a month ago when I was working. I'm somewhat enjoying this overpaid unemployment thing and glad for the extra money as I would not be able to make it on unemployment but now I'm doing better on it than I was working. My only issue is weight gain, too much stuff is shut down and finally the golf course and some of the parks are reopening but I feel sad for the kids this summer the pools aren't going to open at all and it does get hot enough here that some families that cannot afford to cool their house enough make up for it taking the kids to swim.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
That is nice, not only does he not have it but it somewhat proves to others that he is safe to be around and you are pretty much safe also. <SNIP>
It's a matter of perspective.

I can only speak to MY perception, not your's or anyone else's.

Initially, when people just started wearing masks around here, let's say 15% had them on, I wondered "does he/she have the virus?"
But later when everyone is wearing a mask, if I see someone without a mask on, in public, I'll give him a wide birth. My perception of that individual is NOT that he is safe, but rather that he is being "social" and being "cavalier", not particularly social distancing. He MAY be a carrier shedding virus.

This is MY perspective where 2.3% of people in my community have tested positive, in the last 60 days.


Apr 8, 2002
It's a matter of perspective.

I can only speak to MY perception, not your's or anyone else's.


This is MY perspective where 2.3% of people in my community have tested positive, in the last 60 days.

And in the end, that is all that matters for any of us. We can only do what we feel is appropriate for our own circumstances. :shrug:

You brought up an interesting point - what do people perceive when someone is wearing a mask? At the Orange store where Honey works, the employees were/are discouraged from wearing masks because customers perceive it as the employees are "infected" or otherwise compromised. Not good for business. I suppose it has proved out to be an "ok" practice as we only have a .001% positive rate. Again... who knows?

I posted previously about good decisions/bad decisions, good outcome/bad outcome. The funny thing about that is you can't go backwards with it. It does no good to play the "what if?" game. What if we hadn't done the "stay at home" thing and encouraged wearing masks and gloves? Would the rate of positives been higher? Did our practices mitigate the number of infections and losses? We'll never know. So even asking those questions is useless and a waste of time. In the end we can only do what we feel is appropriate for our own circumstances. And living out here in the Wild Wild West... well... for the first time in 25 years, I'm kinda happy about that :D

OH! - and other than my own pool, my favorite resort pool is opening back up on Thursday. I'll be waiting til next week after the holiday weekenders have left to go with my girls for a lovely day of fun and adult beverages in the pool with the negative edge overlooking the beautiful Colorado River! :buddies::grouphug:
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
I read the article, actually read it. "Parroting Trump" are the article's words. Trump's factual accuracy is abysmal, so that's a strike against ANYONE that repeats anything he says, writes, or tweets.

That's a strong assertion. Got any facts to back it up?

I included a link showing that covid deaths are UNDER attributed, and you can find many more.

Actually the CDC itself backs up that the deaths are overinflated because even people that haven't tested positive who are in high risk areas that die of anything similar were/are being recorded as covid-19 deaths. Read the CDC guidelines for reporting. Makes no sense really. That was brought up in this thread and there really is no argument against it. Now how many have been incorrectly reported we will never know. On the other spectrum who knows how many deaths were actually caused by this that weren't recorded early on. Could be a wash for all we know.

I'm still amazed that we had a few cases in that building in my town and it didn't spread like wildfire. I can't even describe to you all how this building is laid out. It's a converted hotel from probably back in the 20s. Nothing was really done to contain it yet only those couple of people I first reported caught it. Makes you wonder how it's been so bad in some places and seems to be nothing in others.
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Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
OK... I have allergies, but I am ready!

As long as a sight of this won't scare your honey. The lovely Mrs. Gardiner :)

I'm going to need to see more of your lawn before an actually invite is extended. Mine has become my escape this past month. I've applied moss killer .. twice, weed n feed and have started mowing it every four days. You'd be amazed at how many lawn care videos are on YouTube.

I took this picture last week. It's L@@King better, but still needs some loving attention.

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