CPF-NW 2012 Fall GTG (Greater Seattle Area)

This sounds cool. I don't post here a lot, but I browse the forums regularly. I will be free then and I can bring a few lights (one or two home made if I can get them working) and a couple of knives (It sounds like all are welcome?) How big of gathering do these usually get? (wondering how much to bring for the mentioned pot luck?
29th Sounds cool. I think I can make the drive up there again. I'll bring the much better focused NightHawk and maybe something I haven't built yet, but may??? I have a new killer design using many off the shelf parts that should make an incredibly bright, thin focused beam. Ready this time or next Spring.$$$ ???

Beam from the "Better-Focused-Night-Hawk" Could be seen over 7 miles, but I got scared before driving further to see beam, turned around and drove back home Fast, and shut the thing off!

Beam could be seen seven miles away!
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Did you get a call?

No calls this time.

Many individuals, photo takers, numerous cars, and just before light shutdown, police showed up, flashed his lights for a second, but drove off after I shut the NightHawk down. Overall, no problems...just made me nervous.

Several friends having parties in slightly remote, hard to find areas, with many invited, out of town guest driving in at night, have asked to use the NightHawk as a homing beacon.:thumbsup:
I think I can make the 29th.

I saw igNITEor's Death Ray at Burning Man this year, though I didn't run into him. That beast really shines (Hah!) out in the desert with no trees or clouds to get in the way. :twothumbs

You did? Well that's good to hear! Do you remember what night that was? Was pimping the Death Ray for another department as well.
Gonna try to make the GT.
You did? Well that's good to hear! Do you remember what night that was? Was pimping the Death Ray for another department as well.
Gonna try to make the GT.

Sunday, in the Fire command post area at the Temple burn. Think I saw it off in the distance before the Man burnt as well.
Sunday, in the Fire command post area at the Temple burn. Think I saw it off in the distance before the Man burnt as well.

Ah yes, the awesome dudes and dudette's in the yellow shirts! We do the "safety beacon" vertical beam for the ESD Fire Command to get upfront seating on the edge of the inner circle. This year we tried to filter the Death Ray with a green gel. However, with all the green lasers flashing around, it didn't have the desired effect with regards to the Incident Command color we we're trying to achieve. Maybe yellow next year :shrug:.
Next year, if you're interested, please ask one of the Ranger's guarding the yellow tape to come find me so I can have you sit with us and toast the moment!

Sadly, the drive motors for the filter and lens functions on the Death Ray have almost completely failed! For the last burn on Sunday (Temple Burn) I couldn't shift out of wide angle. Still gave the safety and silver suit teams enough of a reference beam to locate the fire command post. We are in the process of requisitioning the Gate & Perimeter department for some parts $upport. I have my eye on the used GSS-14 with a refurbished VSS-1 in the crate listed on ebay :whistle:

I may be able to get the Death Ray functional for our GT. I have the complete service manual to help me make it worse than it already is.

If anybody has yet to see the GSS-14 Jeep version, it is truly the bad *** of all the 2.2 kW Varo Inc. xenon's.
And this puppy come's with the super long tower cord!
Roughly what time? Anything happening while the sun is still up? Is anyone coordinating the food/dessert?

Don't think I can make it this time. Maybe next Spring? have a great Get Together.
(With some last minute miracle, I may be able to attend???)
Hope you guys get this. I'm had to work today and wasn't able to get the Deathray ready at all this past week.
I'm kinda worn-out from a long week of good work. I'm not going to make it out to see y'all.
Please, whoever is checking this thread with their smartphone or otherwise, say hi for me to everyone out there tonight!

Have some kick butt fun and I'll see you in the spring?

Thank you for setting this up. It was thoroughly enjoyable.

It was so good to meet everyone, and see some really kick-a$$ lights. Some really good mods and homemade lights too.

Thank you for setting this up. It was thoroughly enjoyable.

It was so good to meet everyone, and see some really kick-a$$ lights. Some really good mods and homemade lights too.

:cool: Sounds like an awesome night! Wish I could have made it.:thinking: Hope to see some kick-a$$ photos of the event, soon! :naughty:
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