CPF University: EE Course (Lessons)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 9, 2001
New Jersey
Re: CPF University: EE Course (20)

Hello again!

Today we are going to talk about a shortcut method of analyzing
a circuit with more then one source in it. This method is so
handy we cant go without it!

Serial: EE-Ch0002-p106-{A939C0B7-558E-4687-9271-AB92E4935FD0}


In fig 12a we again have a circuit in which there are no series or
parallel combinations of resistors that will simplify the circuit.
This is the same circuit we used last time, except the node at the
top is labeled "V" and the node on the bottom is zero.
We can easily analyze this circuit using nodal analysis or mesh
analysis like we did last time, but this time we will try a very
different method. This new method might be called:
"Kill all sources" but officially it's called the
"Superposition Theorem".

The idea is to 'kill' all sources in the circuit and then one at
a time remove the 'kills' and analyze each node as we would any
other circuit. The nice thing about this method is that for
any given circuit the resulting set of circuits that remain to
be analyzed are often GREATLY simplified. This means we can usually
get fast answers even with circuits with many sources in them
because as each source is killed the circuit gets more and more

What it means to 'kill' a source is very simple:
For a voltage source it gets short circuited, and for
a current source (which we havent covered yet anyway) it
gets open circuited. To 'unkill' the source you simply
put it back the way it was originally.

Now lets look at an actual example...

If you did the mesh analysis on this circuit last time the first
thing you will note when you follow this analysis is how much
simpler it is and how much faster we get the answer, except
maybe for the drawing of the pictures :)

In fig 12a we'll set the values as follows:
V1=3v, V2=11v, R1=10 ohms, R2=5 ohms, R3=5 ohms

Now to start the analysis first we would 'kill' both sources,
V1 and V2 by short circuiting both of them. Then, we would
'unkill' say V1 first and start analyzing. The shorted V2
circuit is shown in the top of fig 12b and the resulting circuit
is shown right below it in 12b also. The thing most notable
now is that two of the resistors R2 and R3 now appear in
parallel, whereas before we shorted V2 this wasnt true.
Also, i've called the top node Va (the bottom is still zero).
The reason for the new name is because Va is a new node, more
or less, and will not be the same voltage as V in fig 12a because
we've changed the circuit by shorting V2.
Ok, now we must find out the voltage of Va in the bottom of fig 12b
so we start by simply finding the value of R2 and R3 in parallel:
so we replace R2 and R3 with a 2.5 ohm resistor. This leads
to a circuit with R1 in series with a 2.5 ohm resistor driven
by voltage source V1 so we use voltage division:
Va=V1*2.5/(10+2.5), note R1=10
Since V1 is 3 volts this means
Va=3*2.5/12.5 which equals 0.6 volts, so
Va=0.6 volts and we have the answer to the value of the
node that comes from the contribution from source V1.

Now we have to do the same thing with the other source as shown
in fig 12c.

R1 in parallel with R3 is:

Next we can again use voltage division with values 10/3 and R2
so we get:
Vb=4.4 volts.

Now we have the two answers, Va and Vb.
To get the final answer of what V is, we simply add Va and Vb:


and we get

V=5 volts

Since we know R3=5 ohms we can get the circuit using Ohm's Law:

iR3=5/5=1 amp

Which agrees with the analysis from last time.

It's very interesting that by changing the circuit a little we
could reduce the circuit itself into two smaller circuits
(fig 12d) that could both be analyzed easier then the original
circuit and so provided us with another means of finding the answer.
Pretty cool if you ask me!!

With all good things there are some drawbacks, and this method
is no exception. In order to use this method on a given circuit
he first requirement is that ALL elements of the circuit are
what's known as "linear" elements. A linear element is defined
pretty intensely, but let's try to attach some form of definition
to what a linear element is.

A linear element has a linear voltage current relationship, so
that a multiplication by it's current of a factor K results
in a multiplication of it's voltage by the same factor K.

Now i dont know how much good that will do you at this point, so
let's look at a simple example in another field...

You drive two strong nails into the wall approximately on the same
level line, spacing them about 12 inches apart. You stretch a
rubber band across both nails so it stretches across horizontally.
Now you begin hanging weights in the middle of the band, so that
for each weight you measure a deflection of the horizontal
band in the center which now forms a vee shape.
Let's say the first weight of 1 ounce causes a deflection of
1 inch. Now you hang a second weight of 1 ounce and it too
causes another defection of 1 inch so the total now is 2 inches.
You hang a third weight of 1 ounce and another 1 inch results so
now it deflects by 3 inches.
In each case we hung the same weight on the band the same result
occurred: one additional inch of deflection.
The rubber band has thus responded linearly, in that a change
of input of a certain degree led to a change in output of
the same amount as with the original input amount.
On the other hand, if we keep hanging weights on it eventually
it breaks and so it 'stretches' far more for that last one ounce of weight.
This second kind of response would make it 'non linear', which is
simply put, "not linear".

Soon we'll encounter the LED again to see just why this is called
a nonlinear device. Things will make much more sense then too,
and why it's important to know a nonlinear device from a linear one.
For now, for the purposes of what we are doing at this point it will
probably be good enough to know that at least a resistor is a
linear element. When we come to other elements, we'll look a little
more at this too. It's interesting however, to note that in most
analysis the capacitor and inductor are considered linear too, so
we'll find this method is of use later as well.

Thanks for joining in today!

Take care,

Last minute note:
Please dont try to short out your voltage sources
in circuits that you or someone else has built up.
This is a theoretical method, and if you want to
try it in practice you need to first open circuit
each voltage source (like a battery) before you
short the circuit where the battery originally
connected. Please remember this!

Today's Self Test Question

Take the circuit of fig 12a and make the following changes:
V1=11v, V2=3v, R1=5 ohms, R2=10 ohms, R3=5 ohms

Find the voltage at the node labeled "V".
If you see a shortcut, that's very good, but you should
try this method at least once anyway.
Scroll down for the answer.

V=5 volts.
All we did was swap V1 and V2, and R1 and R2, from the previous circuit
so the analysis comes out the same! If you didnt notice this it's ok
and you should try this method anyway.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 9, 2001
New Jersey
Re: CPF University: EE Course (21)

Hello again!

Today we are going to talk about using an LED again, only this time we will
take the nonlinearity of the LED into account and see why this makes a

Serial: EE-Ch0003-p101-{A939C0B7-558E-4687-9271-AB92E4935FD0}


In figure 13a we see an LED wired in series with a resistor (R1) and a
set of four alkaline AA cells which makes up the battery.
In figure 13b the physical battery has been replaced by it's equivalent
real life circuit approximation: a voltage source in series with a
small value resistor. The small value resistor is labeled "Rs" and
it's made equal to the series resistance of each battery times four,
which comes out to 0.9 ohms. The symbol right after the "0.9" is
the symbol for ohms, and saves us from writing out "ohms" each time.
All the voltage and current arrows have been assigned and labeled.
The voltage for the LED is labeled "V2".

We can analyze this circuit as we've done other circuits by using
Kirchoffs Voltage Law (KVL) around the current loop.
Starting at the bottom node (zero volts ground) and working
around the circuit in the direction of current flow:
Now above we have one known source (6 volts) and three unknown,
and we also dont know what I is yet but we know what Rs and R1 are
so let's change this equation into a form with current as the variable,
while we let the voltage of the LED be some function of current as well.
We'll note that the LED's voltage is a function by the notation:
which simply means that the voltage across the LED is a function
of the current through it, and the function is called "vfLED".
Now what this means is we 'sort of' know the voltage across
the LED, and it's simply "vfLED(i)".
What this REALLY means is that we REALLY know the voltage
across the LED if we know the current though the LED.

Ok, now back to the equation:

We can use Ohm's Law for V3 and V1 because:
and we know both Rs and R1, so we end up with:


We use the functional notation as discussed for the LED to replace V2
and we now end up with:

Now we simply replace the 'i' with "I" and we have and equation
who's only variable we dont know yet is "I":


Now let's rearrange so the constant voltage source of 6 volts is
on one side and the other stuff is on the other side:


And we're almost done.

All we need now is a 'model' of the LED voltage as current varies.
A model is simply a mathematical representation of a circuit element
that relates one quantity to another. In the case of the LED, we
need a model that takes the current i as an input parameter and
gives us the voltage v across it.

For the purpose of this discussion and because we are not pulsing
the LED, the following model for the Nichia LED will be used:

vLED=(4.3-7.5*i)*i^(0.0625)+10*i {0.001<=i<=0.100}

Note three things about this model:
1. The right side variable is the current i
2. The left side is the voltage across the LED
3. There is a limitation on the current for which the model is accurate

What this means is that we can input the current and immediately
get the voltage across it. In real life, this would take a
few seconds to stabilize, but we can still use it assuming
our circuit will temperature stabilize in say five seconds.

Now that we have a model for the LED, we can rewrite the equation replacing
V2 with this new function and we get:


Now let's make all the lower case i's upper case:


And we finally have our equation!

All that's left to do now is solve this equation for I and
we'll have the answer to what we need. We start by replacing
every resistor we know by it's actual value, so we replace
Rs and R1 and we end up with:


Ok, now we've done all we can do so far, but we dont seem to
have a way to solve for I yet.
Unfortunately, it's very hard to solve for I directly but
luckily we have a few simple methods.

To solve for I we can either try values for I (starting at
maybe 0.020 amps, calculating the left side of the equation,
then comparing to "6" to see if we should increase or decrease
I to get closer to the 6) or, we can use a numerical solver.
A numerical solver does all the work for us. Once we enter
the equation we tell it to solve for I and it takes a few
seconds and then shows the answer. The TI89 and the
HP49G both have this feature and it's not hard to use.

If you'd like to try solving by hand, here's a typical
way to go about it...

Start with the equation we found:

and separate the left side from the right side:

Now guess a value for I and use it in:

Let's say we guess 0.030 amps for I, we insert for each I and get:
which when computed comes out close to:

Now we compare this answer to the right hand side, which was '6'.
Noting that 4.26 is lower then 6, we increase I a little, to say
0.035 amps (sometimes you have to decrease the variable however,
it depends on the equation--it's trial and error).

Ok, so doing the same with 0.035 amps we get approximately:

This is closer to 6 then the result we got using 0.030, so we
assume we need to increase again. Let's try 50ma this time.

Doing the same with 0.050 amps we get about:

This is even closer to 6 then before, so we increase again to 70ma
and get approximately:

Now we're getting closer to 6 so we increase a little to 75ma and

Then to 80ma and get:

Then to 85ma and get:

We're now pretty close to 6.00 so we increase a little more to 90ma
and get:

Now we are over 6.00 so we decrease just a small amount to 88ma. We get:
which is pretty darn close to 6.00, but lets decrease a tiny bit more to
87ma and we get:
Now we have one result that is slightly below 6.00 and one result that
is slightly above 6.00 so we know the current is between 87ma and 88ma
and that's usually accurate enough so we're done.

Alternately, we could have subtracted the 6 from the equation and tried
to get a value that is close to zero instead.

Thanks for joining in today!

Take care,

Today's Self Test Question

In the circuit of fig 13b replace the 0.9 ohm resistor with 1 ohms
and the 22 ohm resistor with 50 ohms. Find the current through the
(scroll down for the answer after you try this)

The current through the LED is between 44ma and 45ma if you do it by hand.
If you use a numerical solver it's very close to 44.84ma .


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 9, 2001
New Jersey
Re: CPF University: EE Course (22)

Hello again and welcome to another part of the Course!

Today we are going to calculate the resistor values when paralleling
LED's. After that we will be in a much better position to analyze
what happens when the LED's are paralleled directly instead of using
a separate resistor for each LED which we'll do next time.

Note that the results we find here are applicable to either Nichia
type or Luxeon type LED's, except for the Luxeon type LED's we
would need a different LED model equation. In fact, these results
apply to any type of LED as long as you have the right model

Serial: EE-Ch0003-p102-{A939C0B7-558E-4687-9271-AB92E4935FD0}


In fig 14a we have a circuit in which there are two LED's and each one has
it's own series dropping resistor. In fig 14b we have the same circuit
with the battery replaced by it's real world approximation of a source
in series with a small resistor Rs. The value of Rs is shown as 0.9 ohms.
All the voltage arrows have been drawn also, as well as the current
arrows which show how the current Is splits into two separate currents.

Now, let's say we want to pump 30ma through each LED, and to start with
we'll assume the LED characteristics are exactly the same which means the
LED's are matched. This means Is is twice either LED current I1 or I2
because Is splits into I1 and I2, and I1=I2.

We dont yet know what V is so we'll use a nodal equation at that node.

As usual, we pretend we know the voltage of each LED, which will be
vLED1 for LED1 and vLED2 for LED2, but since we assume they are the
same for this analysis we also define vLED=vLED1=vLED2. This gives
us a single LED voltage to work with, vLED, and we know it represents
either LED voltage in the circuit.

Having the voltage of each LED and using the variable "V" for the top node
we then know both currents I1 and I2:

Since both LED voltages are the same we know both R1 and R2 will be
the same because we want equal current flowing in each LED, so we
define another resistor and call it "R" so that:
In this way we know R represents either resistor value.

Also, since we want equal current flowing we know that I2=I1,
so this makes it possible to write an equation for Is using only I1:

Using V and Vb we can write an equation for Is:

Using V and vLED and R we can write an equation for I1:

and knowing Is=2*I1 we can write:

We thus end up with two simultaneous equations in variables V and vLED:

Now wouldnt it be nice if we could eliminate one variable?
Since V appears in both equations, we can eliminate that variable.
First, expand both equations so there are no divisions...

Now eliminate parentheses:

Now we can get both equations to contain a lone V variable by dividing
both sides of the bottom equation by 2, and we end up with:

Now the top eq has a "-V" and the bottom eq has a "V" so
if we add them the V disappears:



Now we have an equation we can solve for R to find out
what resistance to use to obtain a given current through
each LED:


and solving for R we get:


The only thing left to do is substitute the voltage for an LED
with it's model (from last time). Repeating the model we
will use for the LED voltage:


Again, this relates the voltage across the LED (vLED) to the
current through the LED (i). Thus, knowing the current i we
also then know the voltage across it.

Now all we need to do is figure out what i should be and we
can then solve for vLED and insert into the equation for R
and come up with a suitable value for both resistors R1 and R2.

Since half the current of Is flows though each LED i will
equal one half of Is, or

but we already know we want to drive each LED at 30ma, so
we simply insert 0.030 into the equation for vLED and compute
the value of the voltage across either LED:


Now we have all numbers on the right side so we simply calculate
the value of vLED (using a calculator), and it comes out to:


approximated to four significant figures.

Now that we know the voltage across an LED, we can use the formula
for R to get the value of each resistor:


replacing vLED with 3.573 we get:


We know Is is equal to twice any LED current so that comes out to:

and Rs and Vb are already shown on the schematic in fig 14b so:


All that's left to do now is to calculate the value, which comes out to:

79.1 ohms.

We can use a standard value of either 75 ohms or 82 ohms.

Ok, so we've calculated the value of both resistors R1 and R2 in fig 14b,
so what about the circuit in fig 14c ?

Since we are assuming the LED's are matched (next time we'll drop this
restriction and see how bad the circuit can end up) the circuit of
fig 14c can be constructed from the circuit of fig 14b by simply
placing a short between the tops of the two LED's. In doing so,
the two resistors R1 and R2 end up in parallel, so we can replace
those two with a single resistor which is equal to the parallel
combination of the two. Recalling the formula for two parallel

and since we found R1=R1=79.1 ohms, the value of R3 (fig 14c)
would be:
or simply half the resistance:
R3=(79.1)/2=39.55 ohms.

The nearest standard value is 39 ohms, so we could make
R3 in fig 14c equal to 39 ohms. Of course we'd also
have to calculate the power in R3 to make sure we had
the correct size resistor.

Next time we'll look at how the circuit of fig 14c can
quickly become a problem if the LED's arent matched
well enough to share current equally.

Thanks for joining in again today!

Take care,

Self Test Questions:

Using the circuit of fig 14b, let's say we want 40ma flowing
in each LED. Calculate both resistors R1 and R2 (approximating
the voltage across an LED to four significant figures as above)
approximating each resistor to three significant figures.

Using the circuit of fig 14c, calculate the resistor R3 with
40ma flowing through each LED assuming the LED's are well

(Scroll down for answers after you try these)


An LED voltage approximated to four figures is 3.671 volts.
Resistors R1 and R2 would be about 56.4 ohms each.
In fig 14c, R3 would be half R1 or R2, which is about 28.2 ohms.

In an actual circuit we would use a close standard value resistor
and then do the analysis again to make sure the current is
close enough to what we want it to be using the actual chosen
standard value.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 9, 2001
New Jersey
Re: CPF University: EE Course (23)

Hello again and welcome to another part of the Course!

Today we are going to analyze what can happen when the LED's are paralleled
directly instead of using a separate resistor for each LED.

Note again that the results we find here are applicable to either Nichia
type or Luxeon type LED's, except for the Luxeon type LED's we
would need a different LED model equation. These results actually
apply to any type of LED as long as you have the right model

Serial: EE-Ch0003-p103-{A939C0B7-558E-4687-9271-AB92E4935FD0}


In fig 15a we have a circuit in which there are two LED's and both are
driven from the same resistor R3.

To begin, since R3 is in series with Rs we can lump them into one
single resistor which we'll call R. In this way we have two LED's
driven from a 6 volt battery in series with a resistor R.
Recalling from last time we found if we wanted the current through
each resistor to be 30ma we would need a resistor value of about
39 ohms, so we'll make R equal to that plus the cells internal resistance
of 0.9 ohms. This means R=39.9 ohms.

We dont yet know what either LED voltage is so we'll use a KCL equation at
the node where Is splits into I1 and I2:

We also pretend we know the voltage across one LED and call it vLED and
this allows us to write:
and since we lumped Rs and R3 into one resistor R we can rewrite this:

Since we the two LED's are in parallel the voltage across them must
be the same even though the currents are I1 and I2, so we can write:

Solving 0=Vb-Is*R-vLED for Is we get:
which expanded looks like this:

Since either LED voltage can be used to represent the vLED term,
we'll use vLED1(I1) and this gives us:

and recalling

these two taken together gives us a system of two equations:

One way to solve these is to simply realize that they both equal Is
so we eliminate Is by simply setting the two right sides equal to
each other:

Recalling that the voltage across both LED's are the same:

we can take these last two equations together as a system:

and now we're getting close to the solution.

Since the second equation has both I1 and I2 in it, if we solve
the first equation for I2 and insert the result into the second
equation we can obtain a single equation of voltages that only
depend on one current, I1.

Solving the first eq for I2 gives us:

and inserting this result into the second equation vLED1(I1)=vLED2(I2)
gives us:

which is an equation that depends only on one unknown variable, I1 !

There's a slightly easier way assuming we use a calculator, and that
is to define I2 as a 'function' (or program) and then simply try to

This works out very well except you have to know how to enter a
function into the calculator. The HP49G and the TI89 work
differently in this respect, so depending on what calc you use
you'll have to enter the function in a different way. Also,
the TI89 can't handle upper case letters (it converts them all
to lower case) so you'll have to use all lower case letters
with the TI89. The TI85 doesnt have that problem.

Recalling the model we've been using for vLED:

we first need to create two new models for LED's where one model
has a forward voltage a little less then average and one has
a forward voltage a little more then average. To do this, we
simply change the inner term 4.3 to 4.1 for one model and 4.5 for
the other. Note that all we do here is add or subtract 0.2 for
a new model.
Doing this gives us the two new models:

and that's about the easiest way to handle that task.

Now we'll simply assign vL1 to LED1 and vL2 to LED2.
We're using L1 and L2 to represent the LED's just to make it a little
faster to enter into the calculator, but normally we wont do this because
L's are usually used to represent inductors, such as L1, L2, L3, etc.

Now to enter these functions into the calculators...

TI89... (if you're using the HP49G scroll down to that section)

First we'll make sure the variable I1 is 'clear' (ie not used).
You can enter
I1 enter
to see if it's been used.
If it displays a number it's used and has to be cleared with the
operator DelVar by doing:
DelVar I1 enter

You want to make sure the variable i has been cleared also.

Now enter the equation for vL1 first:
(4.1-7.5*i)*i^(0.0625)+10*i STO> vL1(i)
where "STO>" represents the 'store' operation by pressing the "STO>" key.
Note the calculator will convert vL1 to display in lower case as
"vl1", so you'll end up with lower case but it will still work.
This is a big problem with the TI89 but at least it works.

Now to enter the second model equation you can recall the one just
entered by using the up arrow key and highlighting it, then pressing
enter. You'll get the same equation on the first line and then you
can simply change the vL1 to vL2 and the 4.1 to 4.5 to enter it
because those are the only differences in the two models.
After changing those two characters and hitting enter you'll then
have both models entered into the calculator.

Now you'll need to enter the equation for I2 into the calc:
Vb/R-vL1(I1)/R-I1 STO> I2(I1) enter
and that will do it.

Now enter the values for Vb and R:
6 STO> Vb enter
39.9 STO> R enter

and of course it converts Vb to vb and R to r, but other than that
it works ok.

Now we have both models and the equation for I2 as well as the values
for Vb and R so all that's left to do is go into the APPS/Numerical Solver
and solve for I1.

Choosing APPS and then 9 enter, we enter the other equation:

Note I2 is a function of I1 so it's entered as I2(I1) and not just I2.

Now we hit the down arrow key and enter in a guess for i1 (changes it to lower case)
of 0.040 and hit F2 for 'Solve'...some time later we get the answer:

Now we know i1 is about 45ma, so we go to the 'home' screen and enter in:

i2(i1) enter
and we get the answer for i2, which is about
0.0164, or 16.4ma.

Thus, we've solved for BOTH currents I1 and I2 and we found out that they
are very different!


and since Is=I1+I2 this means the total current
flowing is:

Now although the total current (which we would have adjusted for in the circuit)
is very close to the target value of 60ma, we've found that that doesnt mean
that there is 30ma flowing in both LED's...in fact, it's no indication at all!
One LED is running very high, while the other LED is running fairly low.
This not only means one is going to be brighter, it's also going to
burn out sooner.

Now using the HP49G...

For the following discussion, the symbol "-->" will be used to indicate
hitting the red arrow key and then the zero (0) key, which generates
an arrow pointing to the right on the HP screen. Also, "STO" will indicate
the store operation using the STO> key.
Also, when you hit the red arrow and the plus (+) key you get symbols
that look like this on the screen:
which indicates you are now about to enter a program or function.

First we need to enter the two model equations, vL1 and vL2:
<< --> I
>> STO vL1

The above is generated by first hitting red arrow key then plus key,
then using the red arrow key and zero key to enter "-->" then
ALPHA I, then red arrow key then period (.) key (new line) then red arrow key then single quote
then (4.1-7.5*I)*I^(0.0625)+10*I
then move cursor down with down arrow key then STO vL1 enter.
If everything was done right, it should look like that above.

Now we need to enter the second model equation for vL2:
<< --> I
>> STO vL2

Now the equation for I2:
<< --> I1
>> STO I2

Note the format of entering these equations is the same:
first the symbols << >>, then -->, then the variable name I or I1,
then the equation enclosed in single quotes, then after the >>
comes the STO and then the function name vL1, vL2, or I2.
Also acceptable is:
<< --> I1 'Vb/R-vL1(I1)/R-I1' >> STO I2
but i dont think it would fit all on one line anyway.

Lastly, we enter the numerical solver on the HP by red arrow key
then NUM SLV, then 1 (or enter) then enter the equation for the
LED voltages:
then press the down arrow key to highlight I1 and press
F6 for 'SOLVE'. After a little while the answer comes up:
4.50007380532E-2 which is the same as:
0.0450007 approximately, which is close to 45ma.

Now that we know I1, we want I2 so we press the ON key
(to get back to the main screen) then enter:

I2(I1) enter

and we get approximately: 1.641324E-2 which is
about 16.4ma.

Thus, we've found the following information about the currents:
so the total current Is is

Notice that even though the total current is close to the target
current of 60ma the individual currents through the LED's are
not the same (we wanted 30ma and 30ma) but are rather very
different. One LED is carrying 45ma and the other only 16ma
meaning not only will one be brighter than the other, but
one will burn out long before the other.


We did an analysis of two LED's in parallel and found that
one LED might carry much more current than the other. If
there were more LED's in parallel and/or the target total
current level raised to say 80ma the situation could have been
even worse.

Thanks for joining in again today!

Take care,

Self Test Question:

Set the resistor R3 equal to 26.1 ohms (fig 15a) and find the
current through both LED's using the two modified models used
here today. Scroll down for the answer when you're ready.


To get the answer once we have all the equations entered in
all we have to do is change R to 27 ohms (26.1+0.9) and then
go back into the numerical solver and solve for I1 again.
Once we get I1 again we only have to do I2(I1) again to
get the new value of I2. Once we have both I1 and I2 we
just add them to get the total current Is. The answers
here are rounded:


Note again the current ratio I1/I2 is almost 3 to 1 meaning
I1 is almost three times I2!
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 9, 2001
New Jersey
Re: CPF University: EE Course (Links)

Hello again,

Here are some links associated with this course.

PDF's of this course (courtesy of korpx of CPF) can be found here:

All the drawings used for this course can be found here:
(click on 'index')
You'll also find various other things like power supplies
and procedures and test set-ups used for testing various
electronic components like transistors and diodes at
that same location.

[Updated link 09/2005]
Here's the link to the HP49 calculator:
Follow these instructions to download it...
On the "Menu" (on the left side) find and click on:
Then under "Calculatrices (5)" find and click on:
Scroll down and under "Liste complete" you'll find:
"HP49 Emulator 1.18"
Click on that, then click on:
"Télécharger HP49 Emulator 1.18" to download it.

After unzipping, run "YUser.exe" to run the calculator.

Take care for now,
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